Governor DeSantis’s policies targeting the LGBTQ community, restricting academic freedom, and banning diversity programs have negatively impacted Florida’s economy. Several organizations have canceled conventions and events in Orlando due to concerns over DeSantis’s “anti-woke” agenda, resulting in an estimated $20 million loss in revenue for the state. Despite this, DeSantis’s spokesperson dismissed the economic impact as a “media-driven stunt.” However, boycotts in the past have caused enough economic pain to lead to policy changes, so organizations avoiding Florida are doing the right thing by not spending money there while these policies remain in place.

    1 year ago

    Your governer (combined with Trump) is already following many of the tactics the Nazi’s used (banning books, using dangerous language like “woke”, etc)… This time though, its not against the Jews, it’s against Trans people. Our government warns against it: and I literally watched on Sky news, as Trump was setting things up for violence (it was SO obvious to anyone months in advance, and I literally worked it out within 5 mins of watching Sky news where it was headed… I am not a smart guy…)

    And a lot of this nonsense is spilling over to Australia.

    I have no interest in going somewhere like that… I can go elsewhere in the US, or Europe. I’ve got a trans friend and plenty of gay friends (but I’m totally straight myself). I probably have even more I’m not even aware of. Desantis isn’t getting a dollar from me.

    What benefits does Florida have over other places? Why would I visit? I can go elsewhere without the bigotry, people carrying guns everywhere, etc.

    It’s true not everyone in Florida is racist, but, if I’m on holiday, why go somewhere I’m dealing with all of that? Why go somewhere where school kids get shot? Why not go somewhere more positive

    In fact ironically, I didn’t think much of Disney, until they fought back against Desantis. Now I’m happy they exist…

      1 year ago

      The nazis also targeted transfolk as well. The repugnants aren’t going to stop at trans people or liberals. They’re going to go after everyone eventually, even each other.

        1 year ago

        Yep… I actually feel scared for you guys when Trump goes to prison, or for next election.

        You’re all welcome here in Australia, to see what things should be like…

        1 year ago

        Lol, the Nazis targeted everyone who wasnt ethnically German and non-jewish. They targeted straight, white people because they were liberal in general. They targeted meat-eaters and pushed a vegetarian diet.

      1 year ago

      Eh? I’m not in Florida, I live in Arizona. But yeah, it sounds like you should probably stay away from Florida in general, if you’re that fearful. No point it you can’t relax because you’re afraid of dangerous words like woke.

      We also definitely have different views on guns in general. As a woman, I like being able to have one for protection, so I’m not worried in my day-to-day life about guns.

      Lots of us have gay and trans friends.

        1 year ago

        The language you’re using to describe things here, is a bit deceptive.

        Implying the problem is “Words like woke”? It’s not the word that’s the issue here… They’re doing stuff like banning puberty blockers and banning preferred pronouns in schools too. There’s lots of evidence of facism (and the anti-woke agenda is basically a subtle version of genocide / encouraging bigotry). They’re using the word as a mechanism to drive a bigotted agenda…

        What happens when Trump finally goes to jail at the end of the year?

        In florida, whilst you argue you “carry a gun for protection”, the fact that criminals (and psycho’s) can get those guns as easily just makes it more dangerous. It’s not normal… I’ve seen how druggies in particular lose their mind over small things. That’s only a good thing if there are background checks (there aren’t in florida from my understanding). A criminal is always going to have an advantage during a gunfight (as they’ll be inclined to shoot first)

        Whilst you may not believe it, there is VERY strong evidence that people like Trump are literally following the fascist playbook (which includes “state media”, which he’s basically doing with “fake news” claims).

        Trump’s already clearly setting you guys up for Civil war. And unless you can say honestly he’s not doing those things, no foreigner wants to go to his Base of operations. Even as an Australian, it’s very clear he’s trying to set things up to take over the justice department. He’s already trying to convince his base that the government is corrupt.

        You tell me honestly, how safe is the US if Trump goes to Jail, or loses the next election? We already saw how his supporters acted last time, and he’s already stepped up the rhetoric. We don’t see regular school shootings in other countries, and nobody here carries a gun. In fact, people here need to justify a purpose for keeping the gun (and there are STRICT conditions to owning one). “Defending yourself” isn’t one of those reasons…