Posts on NSFW communities on Burggit are inaccessible to visitors of the site who are not logged in, meaning these communities can only be browsed pseudonymously. There are two reasons why I think this restriction should be lifted:

  1. Security and privacy: Some people on the internet may wish not for their browsing habits to be connected to an account and may wish to minimise identifiers. Some browse the internet with cookies disabled. Some have to live paranoidly on the internet due to where they live and other life situation reasons, and these people won’t be able to enjoy the NSFW communities on Burggit.
  2. Discoverability: To check out NSFW communities, people have to register an account, so it’s not possible to make a decision after seeing if you like the instance. Previously, you could browse Burggit’s NSFW communities on without an account but after they defederated, this isn’t an option either. There might be other instances you can use now, but it’s not a good idea to count on other instances for this purpose.

I’m curious about what you think about this.

    1 year ago

    That logic does not make sense. Say if for example, we do make NSFW public, by browsing this site anonymously, you’re already caching images. My best advice is if you’re in a country where what we’re hosting is illegal for you, then do not use our site and if you do, know the risks and use a VPN or Tor.

    • burganon@burggit.moeOP
      1 year ago

      Of course, by just visiting the site, the user is already taking the risk of leakage from many angles. The user can, as you have said, use TOR and take other precautions. You can always reply with “Well, if the user isn’t doing X, they’re already too exposed anyway” but I’m trying to point out that an account is yet another thing to worry about that complicates the things that a user trying to stay anonymous has to do.