I am fairly sure that I am being laid off with other Sr. Engineers tomorrow and need some ideas. Basically, I saw a calendar mistake by HR, so oops!

Meh. It’s gonna suck for a bit, but whatevers. Life is more important than a shit job. :)

  • HootinNHollerin@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    I heard the rumored date of layoff and booked a surgery I needed for that morning 8am. I got 2 more weeks / another paycheck because they can’t lay you off when you’re on medical leave. Everyone else was let go that morning. I also did it because I was going to lose my insurance (shit American healthcare system)

  • walter_wiggles@lemmy.nz
    1 month ago

    They literally don’t care. Don’t tell them “the truth”, don’t tell them “what’s wrong with the company”, nothing. Just say you’ve enjoyed working there and if things turn around you’d be open to coming back.

    The best outcome for an exit interview is you leave on good terms so you can use them in the future if necessary. You never know when you’ll need a reference.

    Again, any criticism or negativity you bring to the exit interview will just be used against you. You’ll be labeled as disgruntled, or whiny, or just didn’t have what it takes. And that will cut you off from using them in the future if you need to.

    • Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 month ago

      My partner got laid off in a beeeeg round of layoffs, worked with me at the same company. I wanted to be laid off SO BADLY so I could take some time off work to spend with them—we had the means to take some time off.

      A month passes, and one day my boss calls me into a room where our HR person was sitting. They’re both suuuuuper morose, my boss looks like she’s about to tell me my gramma died.

      I’m BEAMING. They pull out papers and start explaining, ask if I have any questions, and I’m like

      “excellent! I gotta ask about severance” (yes absolutely)

      “so I can do the whole unemployment thing? (yes you can)

      “DOPE! Do I have to work the day out? (…uhhhh no, you can’t)

      “Stellar! Mind if I go say goodbye to some people?” (Absolutely, take your time)

      As I left the room, HR person was like “I must say, Rai, this is the most unconventional one we’ve done so far…” and I thanked them and frolicked out. Gave some hugs, got my stuff, and dipped.

      That was December 2019. The timing could not have worked out more perfectly.

      Thank you, job that laid us off.

    • Coreidan@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Agreed if you’re quitting. If you’re getting laid off then you’re not coming back anyway.

      • bitwaba@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        If you get laid off “ethically” (as in the company really does have budgeting issues and they really are trying to weather the storm and they really are cutting back your role which isn’t critical to continued business operations) then there might be potential options to come back in the future if the business can course correct.

        If you’re getting laid off because they’re too cowardly to fire you, yeah. There’s no position to come back to.

  • jet@hackertalks.com
    1 month ago

    Get all your questions about unemployment ready, including the forms filled in today… File asap! File as soon as they let you go.

    If you have stock/equity decide now if your going to exercise it. You may have to pay taxes in addition to the exercise price.

    Bring all your work stuff from home. Hand it over and get a receipt, nobody wants to play phone tag with a ex to get their stuff back.

    If you have access to sensitive systems or passwords, put it in writing what you know and tell them they need to change those passwords now.

    Make sure you keep contact with anyone you care about now, before you lose access to the systems.

    Be the adult, let them you know these transitions are hard, compliment them for doing a difficult thing so well, make it clear there are no hard feelings. I’ve had multiple long term highly lucrative consultation arrangements after a layoff.

    • cm0002@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      While good advice, he did specify to YOLO the exit interview, this is too responsible to be a YOLO imho lmao

      • jet@hackertalks.com
        1 month ago

        Honestly, the biggest yolo is to be professional, prepared, drama free. Don’t even let it bother you.

        I’m above this, I have my own plan, I have confidence… It will distinguish you.

        I once had a new job lined up, but hadn’t put my notice in, I got laid off before the Friday I was going to put my notice in. The firing officers complemented me on how well I was taking it.

        Then 3 months later they hire me as a side contractor at 5x my salaried rate while I was still doing my new full time job.

        So yeah… Yolo is about having your life together and being above other people’s drama, a bit of luck helps too.

        • Delphia@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          I know a few people who have been hired back on as contractors when the company realised they went too far or laid off people with unique experience.

          Yolo is for teenagers leaving Burger King naked.

    • remotelove@lemmy.caOP
      1 month ago

      Props for the prep advice.

      If you have access to sensitive systems or passwords, put it in writing what you know and tell them they need to change those passwords now.

      I am in security, so I know the logical reasons for that even though someone is sure to say that is bullshit.

      However, I left a job once and encrypted all critical passwords I knew on a USB drive and gave it to my manager. For the password, I created a riddle that only he would know. I gave my old manager (he was cool) the USB drive and walked. After about a week, he was laid off for pure money reasons. So a month goes by and I get a frantic phone call one morning asking for all the passwords to some super important systems and I was kind enough to know they had pointlessly fired the only person who would of had access. (They had blindly destroyed his remaining equipment and paperwork, so they were gone.)

  • enbyecho@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    There’s no point in doing anything but being polite and "professional"1 and doing so gives you the most leverage. If nothing else you can try to negotiate a higher severance. But it also potentially enables the best kind of “revenge”.

    Like the time I was laid off and instructed to revoke my and my team’s access to systems. Yes sir… right away sir. Only the bean counters never verified that there was somebody left in the hand-off plan who could access everything.

    Github admin? Not anymore. AWS root account? Who knows?

    Honestly the fallout from that, including frantic begging emails for passwords about a month later, was far more entertaining than anything I could have said at the time. Best of all, the head bean counter got fired over it.

    And because I was completely “professional” my boss there was super supportive and helped me get my next gig. Still checks in on me once in a while.

    1 People often confuse playing the game to believing in it. Use it to your advantage.

  • ThePowerOfGeek@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Go there in dirty, wet fishing gear and holding a large fresh fish. Slap the fish on the table, pull out a sharp knife, and go to town skinning and filleting it, all while giving a very earnest assessment of where the company is going wrong. But keep a big grin on your face the whole time.

    Bonus points if you call everyone in the interview ‘Ron’ the whole time.

    • remotelove@lemmy.caOP
      1 month ago

      Bonus points if you call everyone in the interview ‘Ron’ the whole time.

      Well, it will be two ladies at this meeting so that will be interesting. I am only 10mins from the nearest river as well…

    • remotelove@lemmy.caOP
      1 month ago

      That would be nice. It is just a regular FTE position in an at-will employment state, so it’s anyone’s guess.