Most of the time when people say they have an unpopular opinion, it turns out it’s actually pretty popular.

Do you have some that’s really unpopular and most likely will get you downvoted?

    1 year ago

    The vast majority of people who call themselves transgender aren’t. Most have been gaslit by online cults who insist that if anyone has any interests or behaviours that in any way don’t fit in with traditional gender roles that must mean they’re trans. It doesn’t.

    Also, nobody under the age of at least 18 should be put on any sort of transitional hormone therapy, puberty blockers have a massive effect on young developing minds and bodies and those who give transition hormones to children deserve to be shot.

    There are now children under 10 years old who are being paraded around as being “transgender” by their narcissistic mothers (its always the mothers) these kids are gonna be fucked up for the rest of their lives.

    In general, the whole trans-mania fad that the west is going through right now is gonna lead to a lot and I mean a LOT of permanently fucked up people I’m the coming years and I predict that as today’s “trans kids” grow up we’ll be hearing a lot of testimonies of rampant sexual abuse and gaslighting in the lgbt+ community that these kids are falling victim to today.

        1 year ago

        Gender dysphoria is a real condition people experience. It was not “made up”. It is not culturally specific in the way that the article claims.

        What is gender dysphoria?

        Also there is a scientific basis for transgender people. Here is one such study.

        Gene variants provide insight into brain, body incongruence in transgender

        Here is an article on the scientific basis for transgender people.

        How Does Science Explain Transgenderism?

        What is different between our culture in the West and other societies is that, in the US at least, we stigmatize people who identify with a gender that is different than the one they were assigned at birth. This is stigmatization is what is made up. The gender dysphoria this causes is very real. The reason people in cultures that lack this stigmatization do not experience gender dysphoria is that they are free to explore their gender the way they see fit.

        The article, Trans is something we made up, is a constant stream of gas lighting, claiming gender dysphoria is driven by a cultural diagnosis, and a causal disregard for science, ignoring the evidence that explains the scientific basis for transgender people. Trans people in the West aren’t experiencing gender dysphoria because someone told them that’s how they should feel. That’s what any human person feels when they are denied their gender, whether that person is cis or trans. It’s just that, in the West, it is common practice to deny trans people their gender.

        Here is an example of a case where a cis person was forced to be the opposite sex. They ended up experiencing gender dysphoria, and a bunch of other crazy situations as well. Gender dysphoria is real and not somehow subconsciously culturally conformed to by trans people. The reason it is not universal is that the stigmatization of trans people is not universal. On a related note though, from what I’ve read on the internet, stigmatization of lgbtq+ people, including trans people, is quite wide spread. It seems pretty universal to me, I’ve read about instances of discrimination in the US, the UK, Africa, the Middle East, India, and China but I suppose there are probably lucky exceptions everywhere.

        John Money Gender Experiment: Reimer Twins

        Medical treatments for trans people have been shown to be safe and effective. They are not forced on anyone. The people who seek these treatments are doing so as a way to affirm their gender. That is no different than what any culture that accepts gender non-conforming, which includes trans people, allows those people to do. The only thing that is different is we now have medicine and technology to help trans people.

        Anyone who wants to make a culture of acceptance for gender non-conforming people should allow those people to make their own health care decisions.

        1 year ago

        While i do believe it is possible that there maybe Trans people in existence that knew since a young age that they would want to transition

        Most children know their gender by age 3.

        The second fact is, children simply cannot make an informed decision let alone give informed consent to any hormones, pills, “binding” or transitionary intervention.

        Here some facts about puberty blockers.

        Here are some facts about what age a person can get HRT.

        Here are some facts about binding and also packing and tucking.

        Here is more on binding specifically.

        It is possible for a person to learn about these topics. It is also possible for people of the appropriate ages, in some cases kids depending on what we are talking about, for example puberty blockers, to give informed consent.

          1 year ago


          I will be honest, the mayo clinic website pages you sent me actually scare me a little. I do appreciate you talking to me.

          I will review the articles in an order of whatever ending with the most important messages that I would like to convey. To note is that I am not an expert but an aggregator of things.

          "Learn why you should talk with your child about gender identity and expression — and how to get the conversation started.

          By Mayo Clinic Staff" literal not experts literally implying you should, get the conversation started with your 3 year old while they financially benefit from transitions. So take everything with a grain of salt, there has been a 3 year old somewhere who knew and could fully articulate that it Wants to be a him/her/LGBTQ ? no.

          Yes children feel emotions and have emotional awareness, same as babies. Yes they have hormones yes they have some preset attractions to certain smells,tastes,faces and feelings, some are factory preset some are developed.

          The only “study” included in the “words” you sent is actually only a review of not actual data but out of context quoting. The rest are opinion pieces not actual facts. Mayo clinic is not a publication it is part of MEGA CORP.

          Set your hue to a soft orange where it actually feels pink but is still orange., we calming down the mood from here.

          I will assume the following, you are a parent and want the best for your child. Children need affection, love, and attention. The best thing you can do for a child, is be there for them. You might think that there is a magic pill that can fix their happiness 😊, but that is just a plain lie and even if it’s not an easy pill, the doctors say it’s “common” and doesn’t seem worried it is worth trying right? Trans -people actually struggle a very great deal even after conversion.

          Especially when you just don’t know what is wrong, your child is depressed, does not want to go outside, has no friends. These things are terrible and we want them to be resolved.

          This message is becoming really really really long so sorry if I can’t even cover a hundredth of the subject.So I will give some anekdotes or rather personal life exp.

          I have had my children, and a family that had some of the kids I was most proud of actually had a dad, who literally did not know how to make coffee, like “bruh”. And I really wonder how they do it? On the surface old skool women in kitchen vibes but just the happiest kids, all a bit different but very ethically inclined but in a cheerful and worryless manner. One of three came to us and had a little cry about personal issues he was having, we at the boyscouts instead of girlscouts now😎 and I was so moved and impressed, that he Trusted us to show his emotions and to tell what he was afraid of, I am so proud of this now almost adult man.

          I will take a different family now, literal brain surgeon dad and CFO Mom ?(not sure what she does exactly but I will believe it). Both parents have a very “demanding” carreer, and I wonder, how do they make it work? All kids so bright and literal Beacons of happyness. The son, eldest, when on camp got kicked by other children at night because well, some kids are jerks sometimes. It took another upstanding Citizen of our tribe (another kid) which told me after the second night this was happening before Carwan would speak about it. I asked him why not tell us immediately? He said they where “just trying to be funny” and that he though they wouldn’t do it the second night. I was kinda questioning it in my head but the comming years I got to know him better and see him grow. Now I know that while he obviously did not like being kicked he literally never thought about kicking back. And it worked he did get the fame, he became one of the “more popular” kids (because social cohesion was actually really good in our group)he is always one to mediate a tough situation ,he will take a stick, walk in on a clash, hands up, I am the sheriff. Just in time before there was any real escalation and have everyone forget they where fighting. Honestly just writing this post has brought back so many memories, and the impact these children made on me as a person.

          Getting teary sidetracked, anyway, what was the difference? Or maybe the commonality? Their parents, these children I speak of, are always happy to see their parents, not only that I know these parents sorta personally too and I know they have explicit activities, father son 1 on 1 campfire fishing activities or Disney daughter mother type vacation. You might have three kids but they all got only one mother.

          This is only natural, who has taught you for millennia? You parents(, and your scouting tribe ofc). When you go hunting as a young boi with your cave-dad your learn skill, but more importantly you socialize, as a man you would get love. Son, you did a good job. Maybe even a hug, maybe he pre -chewed your food because that sabre cat did actually cut out all the withe gems from your mouth this time, but unconditional love makes no distinction. And the only way to make no distinction is to not force them to be one or the other or the others or the others.

          Personally, I think Im bi, part of the I think I am, is that if you ask me now, probably still bi,but feeling the love of being mom I suppose. I didn’t talk about it because my sexual orientation has always been kinda whomever is cute and can impress me in a way where there is no lemmy post long enough to even describe how lucky I am to be in their presence. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m just in a constant state of philosophychosis😜. But what I can guarantee, Axle be philosophising, JD be philosophising. And Carwan be philosophising and most definitely 100% guarantee Tèrance be philosophising. They be philosophising all day about who they are, and maybe one day they will realise they have always been themselves.

          And at this point you might not even read this ramble, but the song “I’m every woman” by Chaka Khan is the truth, I am every woman, and no one can take that away from me, to be human is to change, by definition not permanent. These drugs DO real harm, these operations are not reversible and binding too is bad for you, sure a doctor can make sure you don’t die, but you and I both know that it is painful af if you want any "acceptable"results with binding(we are talking about teenagers with anorexia level mental health using medieval tools to get an altered appearance). a big amount of women experience pain because their breasts haven’t developed the natural “support” tissue you would get from not wearing the bra. Bras’ are not the devil, but they definitely do something that can be considered not optimal.And now you can’t do without because the weight and bobbing hurts.Same with shoes we all have messed up feet, I don’t believe wearing no shoes is healthy because “it grounds you and now you atract the positive ionS making you positive which is positive” no, if you wear no shoes on purpose, you go outside on purpose, sure you get more natural motion and step but it is the full deal, sunshine, calming nature, a Break from you grind, a quiet away from you phone, you name it.

          I will t®y to conclude with this, the mayo clinic has actually scared me, I now fear a lot more for my children, this website is using just enough bullshit to look like research or facts but they are not, the articles are rehashes of opinion pieces and a literal investment advertisements.

          I now understand better where this trans rights is pedo thing is comming from. these articles actually make me doubt if the clinic isn’t just a bunch of rich aristocracy folk who are pe*os.the things that they write are borderline indoctrination, false evidence and literal contradictions. With effects that can be so severe and harm so man people it makes me honestly sad to be human, again.

          This message was an emotional rollercoaster, from delightful, a “real” response to, this is literally one of the most horrific things that I have read in years, actual manipulative tactics to extort money from parents who want to help their children and are at the end of their rope(or so they think).

          No, a child under 18 in no way shape or form can ever give consent, not to puberty blockers, not to sex. I think you as a person can’t even give informed consent because you yourself haven’t even read the research, not did you understand the literal “sources” cited by you as “facts”, sorry if I’m a bit spicy again, but this is really serious.


            1 year ago

            Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences. I’ll tell you a bit about myself. I am a single trans woman. I do not have kids. I have not undergone any surgery or used any medicine in order to transition. I knew I was a girl when I was three years old. I am sure your friends knew their genders at a young age as well.

            Hormone blockers are a safe and effective way to delay puberty. It is completely reversible because a person can stop taking the medication at any time to begin puberty. This is something that a child of the ages ten to eleven can understand and consent to. Hormone blockers are not equivalent to sex which is something only adults can consent to. None of the medical treatments prescribed to trans people are forced on anyone. And only people with a history of gender dysphoria are given access to these treatments.

            If you don’t like Mayo Clinic, I can give you another source with the same information.



            It seem like the health and well being of young people is important to you. I would recommend reading this article on gender-affirming care. I think it will address many of your concerns. For some trans people, medical transition is not even necessary.


              1 year ago


              The most important thing is to find love, I am not even speaking of romatic love, adopt a cat, this bitch i got is basically 98% unconditional love and 2% fucking up my walls with her claws. But finding friends is 4 real hard af, because only friends are real and 4 real, none of those fake fucks. if any one every gives you an ultimatum because you have an opinion, just leave their sorry ass, You will be lonely somethimes, that is one of the problem we have created with this whole class difference things. maybe a lil personal “summary”. got diagnosed for about 4 things over the course of 15 years, starting at like 6. took meds once, Concerta, 65mg capsule. whole week eyes wide till i die(basically no sleep) so i quit that, i was idk, ~10. fast forward, new year, new diagnosis. but i have sworn off the pills i must be able to do without otherwise i am by definition not normal(my struggle to feel normal)( I have crazy high standards for myself) friend of mine tried to kill herself and called me before, i flipped the fuck out, called ambulance, called the phychiatric institute, called our “Begeleiders”<- medical profesinnals that arent doctors but also not nurses and help with mental shiz. i was? 16? i tell this story now because it is kinda fresh in my head. Yesterday i told a colleague 2 sentences of the story and i started crying instantly. second person in 7 years i told. first time i ever cried(3 whole tears and a quick apology) in “semi public” and first time i cried this year, celebrate the small things 😜.

              And what i feel now, now i have come of age a third time, i feel as if i have literally become younger, I experience the actual feeling of being a child sometimes and not that i am weak, or that i have no knowledge, but that i have no judgment and that i have still so much joy. I am sure they can categorise me in some bullshit syndrome next week but as a depressed person I can be so blissfully happy and in love that sometimes i wonder if yawl not the depressed ones. I tried to be straight but twas another coaster. Love might have died in the 60s but some still keep a sake. I do actually sincerely hope you feel love in your life, and if you think you don’t imma just debunk yo ass: I love you.

              also, this song from my late teens but actually the whole album, one of my few and first vinyls too.

              Thank you for reading, feeling out loud has been very therapeutic, it even felt artsy, peace. 😎

              sidest of notes, I tried posting and it failed so maybe you get n+1 replies. side-on note: WHEN this place becomes like reddit i will def peace the fuck out from speaking again, but i am here to be proven wrong. And my personal love of lemmy is that this “convo” could not have happened anywhere else. also, because of societal pressure i do feel obligated to mention that this is not a gesture to dig up who i am or further initiate contact outside lemmy-space or even this thread, I do not want to ever see anyone who knows my username nor do i want to meet any of y’all. I Think it to be obvious, but even i make mistakes, that all caps bullshit, was actual bullshit so i will try to curb my reddit vibe.