I feel like whenever I see the ampersand on this website, it’s followed with “amp;”. I’ve noticed it other places on the internet also. Why does this happen? Is it some programming thing?

Just for a test: &

  • Kaato112487@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Yes, it’s a programming thing. If you think about all of the symbols you can see in a website, there are many more than what’s available on your keyboard, like the Copyright symbol, ©. Since programmers deal with the same limited set of keyboard keys, everything that can be displayed in text is given a unique number. Lowercase a is 97, the Copyright symbol is 169. Some commonly used ones are also given a slightly more readable name in addition to the number.

    Now that there are numbers or names associated with everything, the programmers need a way to tell the browser that this number or text should be used to refer to a symbol. To do this, they use an Escape Character, a symbol that tells the browser to treat what follows as a lookup. That escape character in HTML is the ampersand, so ¥ will display as the symbol for Japanese Yen, ¥. The semicolon denotes the end of the Escape Sequence.

    So with Ampersand having a special meaning, to show an actual ampersand you would typically use & and the browser would turn it back into &. However, if you’re not looking at the text in a browser, or if the area where the text is displayed doesn’t understand the & notation, then you will see it exactly as you described.

    • Zarxrax@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      But, shouldn’t this have been a solved problem like, back in the 90s? Why is it that modern software like Lemmy still has issues with it?