I recently asked if MAS was save to activate windows, it turns out it was as I hoped.
However, I’ve one last doubt: I downloaded the iso from MASSGRAVE (it-it_windows_10_consumer_editions_version_22h2_updated_may_2024_x64_dvd_49ddadb6.iso) and I installed that already.
Also, I logged in my accounts and used sensible passwords already, should I be worried about this? (I ask because some pirates said the ISO should have been downloaded from Microsoft website :/ ).
Please let me know your opinions
You can calculate the hash of your iso and compare it with Microsoft
I’m wondering how can you trust this site though?
its obtained from Microsoft https://msdn.microsoft.com/subscriptions/securedownloads/
issue is to access it directly from MS you need a MSDN registered account
but the hash is same as listed on the other page
ty I checked the SHA256 and MD5 with Get-File-Hash and they match