I’ll start with myself (Egypt).

  • Caffeine: nearly everyone drinks tea or coffee at least once a day if not more despite neither of them being grown here.

  • Tobacco: Smoked in cigarette form or flavored tobacco using a hookah. The percentage of smokers here is very high, there’s more smokers than there isn’t. Even if you don’t smoke there’s enough second hand smoke from everyone else lol.

  • Alcohol: legal but its use is somewhat stigmatized because of a majority Muslim population. However I regularly see broken bottles of alcoholic drinks along the sidewalks so a lot of people are probably hiding their drinking habits.

  • Hash/hashish: I don’t think it’s exactly legal but it’s very normalized among a lot of people. Some stigma because any form of inebration is considered bad by religious people but not nearly as stigmatized as alcohol.

Very curious to hear about other countries.