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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Flat_Fox_7318 on 2024-07-04 10:17:18+00:00.

So, I’m currently watching Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (and I’m enjoying it), but it appears Foley is the latest in the “cool heroes to bad parents” pipeline. If you wonder what I mean by that, it’s the idea of the good guy having a child or children they become estranged from in some capacity. We’ve previously seen this play out with a number of aging heroes in the past such as John McClane, Rocky, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Shaft (both Richard Roundtree and Samuel L), Laurie Strode, James Bond, Mike Lowery from Bad Boys, and even Maverick in Top Gun is exposed to this, despite Rooster not being his biological son. Now, I’m not saying I hate the trope. Heck, I even think it can be handled really well depending on the story, but it’s such a noticeable trend; especially with legacy sequels. How do you guys feel about it?