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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Responsible-Egg6112 on 2024-07-05 02:17:01+00:00.

after watching this movie for the millionth time, something about the epilogue clicked for me.

in it, obviously, we see Mia and Seb reunite at Seb’s, where we then see a montage of what could have been. in it, all of the things we were hoping would happen for these 2 characters happen. they are successful, happy with their lives, and most importantly, they’re with each other. it seems perfect and what i imagine many people hoped the movie would actually have ended with.

but, the thing that i noticed was, in that montage, we see the two characters from the “what if” ending sit in front of a projector screen, where they are then shown a different life, one where they seem even happier together, blessed by the presence of each other and their children. i always took this moment as a continuation of the original montage, and how their lives ended up going after all that we had seen already. but just this time, i realized that was probably another “what if” to the characters in the montage. this may have been completely obvious to those even slightly smarter than me and i may just be an idiot, but this makes me appreciate the movie even more.

i always understood La La Land as a “grass is always greener on the other side” kind of film where we have to be happy with our lives because there is always going to be a “what if” where we wonder how our lives could have been different, but this extra little detail was something that really brings that point home. that version of Mia and Seb in the montage seem to us viewers like the happiest these two characters that we love so much could have been, but even they have a vision of a life that they wish they could have had.