Maybe this is just a me problem, and I can’t find the settings. Or maybe these are things they changed in 115 and made it worse?

Collapsing threads. If I collapse everything thread, click to a different folder and then click back, every thread is expanded. I would vastly prefer “every thread is collapsed”, or “we remember where things were”. I never even noticed what it was on 102, but it wasn’t “always expand everything”

Tab bar positioning. In 102 (and I could swear in some 115 screenshots Ive seen) the tab bar was at the very top. In 115, the tab bar is below the “Get Messages, Write, Address Book, etc” + search toolbar. The old way was so much better. It feels weird to have things ABOVE the tab bar change when i select a tab. thats the point of tabs, things are supposed to be contained “within” the tab.

Both of these are from their own documentation:

Old good:

New busted:

Are there settings for either of these changes, or is 115 just a downgrade for me and I should stick to 102?

    1 year ago

    Unfortunately, I don’t have any ideas or solutions for you, but I do agree. I typically don’t use threaded conversations, mostly because I relied on the Conversations extension (not yet available on 115). I also wish threaded conversations had some other user-friendly behaviors: highlighted threads with new messages exactly like any other new message (right now it only semi-highlights/underlines threads with new messages), and the ability to have an expanded thread collapse automatically when opening another thread.

    I also agree on the tab bar as well. I get turned around often with the placement of certain icons.

    My understanding is that 115 is just the first step towards the “Supernova” experience, so hopefully a lot of these changes will be implemented as time goes by. They are basically reconstructing things from the ground up. Thankfully 102 should continue to work great.