They talk about the massive use of drones by Russians. “The danger from drones is huge, they see everything and usually immediately open fire,” says a military man named Andrey.

“The enemy sees all our movements. Usually we can only move at night. We need night vision goggles and armored vehicles are also very necessary. The enemy is chasing us with helicopters, planes, anti-tank weapons,” he says.

Both in the south and in the east “the Russian defense is strong”, which causes high losses.

“Anyone who visits Ukrainian hospitals these days can see the price soldiers are paying: countless fighters have lost arms, legs and feet. NATO sources say there have been tens of thousands of them since the start of the war,” the article says.

Ukrainian servicewoman Margarita believes that “the situation is very difficult” and the quick liberation of the territories is “impossible.”

“The situation has always been difficult, and now even more difficult. Behind every centimeter of the liberated territory are the lives of many fighters. There are casualties, heavy fighting. The Russian army does not degrade and fights primitively, some parts fight very effectively and improve, use drones. Their army itself seems weak, but they are improving and trying to keep up with technology,” she says.

    1 year ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this what you would fucking expect if you agreed to WAR? Did they think it was gonna be easy?

      1 year ago

      Well, if you spend your time repeatedly insisting that the enemy is incompetent, as the West has done, the actual material truth can only come up as a totally unexpected surprise. The problem with basing your worldview with racial thinking (well, there are countless problems) is that it simply is bullshit and doesn’t really work. So repeatedly the racists get humbled by “Vietnamese peasants”, or “Afghan goat-herders”, or “Russian orcs”, or whatever else racist nonsense they can come up, since they must ignore the fact that their enemy is in fact entirely human and will learn from your mistakes, take advantages and press on however they can. Their major advantage, though, is that they know they’re human, and facing a powerful foe; so their preparations and precautions must necessarily be that much more well-made. Which inevitably gives them the upper hand, at least during the long run, since their strategies are based on actual material reality, instead of phantoms inside liberals’ heads.