Google 1970s Iran vs now. It’s an interesting contrast of how quickly societies can change; and some would argue, not towards the future but backwards.

    2 months ago

    There is a section above that lists nations that they support and a section below that they critically support. The ones above are the ones who’s values they align with. The ones below are “enemies of my enemies”. That is what critical support means.

    Take a good hard look at the middle east and its recent history and tell me that Iran is the problem. Look at Israel, the Saudi Kingdom and the Islamic republic seriously:

    • who has committed the most genocide?
    • who is the most homophobic?
    • who spreads the most terrorists?
    • who oppresses their women the most?
      2 months ago

      And back to you, who in that critically support category is currently freaking their neighbors out the most because they’ve made it clear they want to reclaim their old glory and old country (aka imperial) borders? As well as openly assasinates citizens of other countries IN said countries? And sure, lets go a step above where it says you fully align with their values, China’s track record with LGBTQ rights, while not the worst comparitably, isn’t particularly great, and when it comes to how they treat minorities the Uyghur people would like a word and so would the falun gong.

      At least with Republicans in the US, they are open about hating gay people and minorities, yet the Prole Wiki pretends like it gives a shit.

        2 months ago

        who in that critically support category is currently freaking their neighbors out the most because they’ve made it clear they want to reclaim their old glory and old country (aka imperial) borders

        Are you referring to Russia? Because Putin’s never said “hey let’s re-conquest the old Russian Empire”, he’s actually been pretty consistent at saying “hey I don’t want NATO touching my border”.

        You seem to have a very distorted view of reality, which is frankly a result of all of the propaganda you have consumed and adopted uncritically into your worldview. The Uyghurs are healthier and wealthier now than they have ever been as a result of Chinese anti-poverty and modernization programs, and the Falun Gong were always a cult on the level of Scientology who needed to be broken up and their members deprogrammed before they convinced more innocent people to kill themselves in acts of protest against teaching science in schools.

        2 months ago

        I see you didn’t answer my question and are now pivoting to Russia and China when the subject of the thread is Iran. But I’ll take the time to point out the inconsistencies here:

        • currently freaking their neighbors out the most right and the US freaks out nations in other continents. See, Iraq, Vietnam, all of south america.
        • As well as openly assasinates citizens of other countries IN said countries? The US does this all over the world at an industrial scale. Are you really unaware of the extent of the drone program?
        • China’s track record with LGBTQ rights, I’m sure stoking sinophobia will help them.
        • You point at the Uyghurs. I point at the Native Americans, the Palestinians, and all the genocide the colonial empires of NATO have perpetrated. Shall we compare death tolls? Please find me a Uyghur death toll.
        • Falong Gong. Are you fucking kidding me? Giving a shit about that trumpist cult has to say is directly injecting Radio Free Asia into your eyeballs.
                • PugJesus@lemmy.worldM
                  2 months ago

                  I think I’ve only had to ban one person for Palestinian genocide denial so far. That one weirdo who was on every goddamn Israel thread playing defender came in, so I had to ban him and started seeking out pre-Israel Palestinian pics.

                    2 months ago

                    SpaceCowboy? He’s blindly calling everyone who criticizes him a bot in some other comm. Ironically, he’s using copy pasted responses to do this.

                    Anyways, good to know. I’ll actually report people then. Less stressful.

              2 months ago

              Who’s denying the Palestinian Genocide?

              Also I didnt respond to your question because yeah? I dont like Saudi’s ISIS or the Taliban either? Still doesnt mean that it doesnt take some gymnastics to blame the imperialists for causing the current government Iran has while ignoring that anti-imperialists are listing said government as a supported ally.

              “currently freaking their neighbors out the most right and the US freaks out nations in other continents. See, Iraq, Vietnam, all of south america.”

              and if you are from one of those nations, I can understand why you might prefer China to the States (Although at least one of those is probably equally wary of China),but to prefer Russia in power over the States is jist blind insanity at this point

              “As well as openly assasinates citizens of other countries IN said countries? The US does this all over the world at an industrial scale. Are you really unaware of the extent of the drone program?”

              There was a reason I said openly. The States’ secret agencies probably do a lot of political assassinations, but they absolutely dont openly and undeniably assasinate other countries citizens that they arent at war with like Russia does with its tea poisoned with a nuclear isotope only Russia makes

              “China’s track record with LGBTQ rights, I’m sure stoking sinophobia will help them.”

              So theres nothing bigotted about criticizing the US, but any legitimate fingers pointed at China is Sinophobia? Nice diversion from China not being a great country to idolize if you care about gay people tho!

              • PugJesus@lemmy.worldM
                2 months ago

                and if you are from one of those nations, I can understand why you might prefer China to the States (Although at least one of those is probably equally wary of China)

                Vietnam, in fact, is one of the most pro-USA countries in Asia.

                  2 months ago

                  Yeah, I was giving the dude (non gendered) a bit of leeway with that xD

                2 months ago

                Still doesnt mean that it doesnt take some gymnastics to blame the imperialists for causing the current government Iran

                Simply learning about Mossadegh and Operation Ajax isnt mental gymnastics. You just have to realize that the US never has the interests of the common Iranian in mind and all their talk about bringing freedom to Iran is as bullshit as it was in Iraq.

                but to prefer Russia in power over the States is jist blind insanity at this point

                We’re going in circles here. You point to Ukraine, I point to Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Gaza. Each of those recent conflicts has caused more destruction than Ukraine. If that seems insane to you then please deeply consider how you came to value Muslim lives so much lower than a Ukrainian.

                The States’ secret agencies probably do a lot of political assassinations, but they absolutely dont openly and undeniably assasinate other countries citizens

                I’m talking about the drone program which is not much of a secret and is in the hundreds annually.

                Russia does with its tea poisoned with a nuclear isotope only Russia makes

                It would be so much better if we assassinated our enemies with poison instead of drone striking a packed wedding. You’re just offended by the Bond villain aesthetics when its far more humane than a drone strike.

                So theres nothing bigotted about criticizing the US, but any legitimate fingers pointed at China is Sinophobia

                Please consider that you are (probably) in the US or at least “the west” and how your criticism of China’s LGBTQ policies actually help those people. It’s the same issue as talking about women’s rights in Iran. I have criticisms of China. Unlike prolewiki, I question if they are still “actually existing socialism”. But all this China bashing is clearly just getting people in line with the US state department.

                  2 months ago

                  Since its become incredibly clear you’re arguing in bad faith, I have just two things to counter before I block you

                  “If that seems insane to you then please deeply consider how you came to value Muslim lives so much lower than a Ukrainian.”

                  YOU are the one who’s trying to downplay the Uyghur genocide, so don’t play the “you dont care about muslim lives” card. Most Muslim people I have talked to despise China because of this.

                  "Please consider that you are (probably) in the US or at least “the west” and how your criticism of China’s LGBTQ policies actually help those people. " Not once have I said I’m trying to make the lives of Chinese Gay People easier, I’m saying I care about Gay people in GENERAL and that China isnt a great country to idolize and defend if your side says they care about Gay people, I notice you STILL havent addressed that point and once again troed to spin it to something sinophobic adjacent.

                  It’s been fun! I wont be addressing anything further!

                    2 months ago

                    Not once have I said I’m trying to make the lives of Chinese Gay People easier, I’m saying I care about Gay people in GENERAL

                    “I don’t care about the material outcome of my words”. Got it.

                    YOU are the one who’s trying to downplay the Uyghur genocide, so don’t play the “you dont care about muslim lives” card.

                    Excuse me for objecting more to death, destruction and starvation in Lybia, Iraq, Yemen, and Palestine than draconian oppression and lowered birth rates.