Here in the USA, Trumpists are very hostile towards immigrants coming from the Mexican border to the point where they infamously proposed to build a wall. The Biden administration is better in-name only, and has kept the concentration camps at the border.

Why is there so much hatred toward these immigrants? What is the material cause of this?

    1 year ago

    It does appear there has been an uptick in southern border crossings the last couple years due to citizens of countries the US has destabilized seeking a better life in the US (Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Cuba, Ukraine, etc.). The xenophobic domestic reaction to that has thrown fuel on the fire to create a full-blown humanitarian crisis, with, of course, the vulnerable migrants suffering the most as a result of the mismanagement. As for why there is so much hatred? That one’s easy: the migrants are overwhelmingly non-white, which presents a threat to the white supremacy central to USA politics.

    At this point I’m ranting, but the political showmanship of Texas shipping migrants to NYC is straining the city’s ability to care for them due to lack of facilities in which to house them, and this is something I can personally confirm from city connections. The use of these migrants as political pawns is disgusting.