The NWT government and city of Yellowknife are describing in tweets, Instagram messages etc. how to search key evacuation information on CPAC and CBC. The broadcast carriers have a duty to carry emergency information, but Meta and X are blocking links.

While internet access is reportedly limited in Yellowknife, residents are finding this a barrier to getting current and accurate information. Even links to CBC radio are blocked.

  • Evan
    1 year ago

    @StillPaisleyCat @ArbitraryValue
    Looks like they’re following the law pretty well here.
    In return for being asked to pay for making links, they no longer make links.
    Sure, Meta and Google can be nasty on other grounds (and fighting C-11 isn’t nasty), but they’re being quite law-abiding here.
    Flouting the law would be sharing links and refusing to pay.