I want sources to learn about the color revolutions in ukraine, the fascist takeover, what has been going on in russian-speaking regions, etc… Where can I find them?
I want sources to learn about the color revolutions in ukraine, the fascist takeover, what has been going on in russian-speaking regions, etc… Where can I find them?
Lots of podcast data
The Socialist Program: The Big Business of War & Ukraine’s Neocolonial Future w/ Ben Norton
Episode webpage: https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-business-of-75936683
Media file: https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-media/p/post/75936683/925a1b15bfe54f6fa9928027fff3ff04/eyJhIjoxLCJwIjoxfQ%3D%3D/1.mp3?token-time=1689379200&token-hash=uxFqgCrMBlQrbkAXPp00C0fR9aT9vX6zAxUVXIg7wrA%3D