does anyone here have experience hosting a Signal proxy and/or a Tor relay? there’s a blog post on asking for folks to help, and i can but i don’t know enough about network security to feel safe/confident doing some of this stuff. same with Tor - i’ve always wanted to host an exit relay (and in fact have this whole long theory about how every public library in the US should host an exit relay, but that’s for another post someday maybe).

do any of you have experience with doing this? what kind of best practices would you recommend? any good resources on protecting your network that you might point me to? i will be getting my Net+ cert within the next year but for now i am starting from “enthusiastic beginner” and want to be helpful, but careful.

    3 months ago

    tor exit node is not a popular customer, it will be source of lot of illegal activity and complains and unless you have REALLY good relationship with your provider, he will sooner or later decide it is not worth the headache and show you the door.

      3 months ago

      100x this. 10+ years ago while working in IT at a university I experimented with running a Tor exit node briefly. It only took about a day for the IT security team to ask me about it and requested it be shut down due to all the malicious traffic.