• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      Thanks for this reminder of that thread.

      I couldn’t seem to assemble the words that would properly convey my point. I eventually gave up because it was consuming too much time to try to clarify what people were definitely taking the wrong way.

      I’m bad with words sometimes.

      • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        I couldn’t seem to assemble the words that would properly convey my point.

        Yeah you could, here’s the absolutely sickening comment the Mods removed:

        I dunno what the reason for this poll is. Honestly, what do opinions matter for this? Legally, yeah, that’s something that can happen. Basically child marriage, which, with the consent of the parents, can happen. The law is pretty clear on these things. You might not like that, or disagree with it, and that’s fine. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion on it. The fact is, the proposed agreement in this hypothetical is a private contract which, for the most part, is fine and acceptable under common law pretty much everywhere. I think it’s insane to allow parents to effectively force a child into this position, and that parents would ever agree to such a thing, or that anyone would want to in the first place. None of the motivations for this make sense to me. So personally, I wouldn’t agree to nor propose anything like this (I’m a guy). But I also recognise that any such private contract between a family and a would be husband or whatever, are outside of my control. I might not understand it, I may not agree with it, but as long as it’s not breaking a law, I can’t do shit about it. If anyone is bothered by this, and you fell strongly about making sure things like this don’t happen, you will have to talk to your government and make the changes in law to forbid it. IMO, legally, I don’t care. If someone wants to put themselves into this situation, then fine. It doesn’t really affect me. I don’t feel strongly enough about it (given that everyone is consenting), that I feel that anything should change. I also feel like the vast majority of people would not agree to something like this, neither the children, nor their parents. So in my mind, anyone who would morally be okay with this, has made their decision and must live with the consequences of their choices. I certainly won’t, so why would I care. I’m just apathetic to people who willfully put themselves in these unusual and morally questionable scenarios. I’ll emphasize that my apathy is heavily dependent on consent on all sides, including and especially the consent of the child in the scenario. In my mind that consent must be informed consent, which would require that the child has an understanding of the acts they are agreeing to. IMO, the number of 14 year old persons who are sufficiently informed about intercourse to be able to be informed of what they are consenting to, is going to be an incredibly small number to begin with. Only in that context am I apathetic. In pretty much every other scenario, I’m strongly against such an agreement until all parties are sufficiently informed to provide consent.

        You outright say that children can consent to have sex with adults. Nobody misunderstood you.

        • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
          2 months ago

          You misunderstood me for one.

          I’m stating that, in most municipalities, the law allows for young people (14 year olds) to be married and engage in sexual activity. That’s a very abridged version of the same.

          I’m also stating that if you want it to be different, change the laws where you are.

          These are all factual statements.

          In discussing the facts, I made no assertions about whether I agreed or not with those laws, and when I did express my opinion briefly, I said that I see no reason why a grown adult (19+ years old) would want such a thing, and either implied or explicitly stated that I don’t agree with the law.

          I’m not going to reread and analyse my wording on the matter, yet again. However, whatever you understood me to be saying, what I’ve said now is my intended message.

          I don’t always agree with the laws. There are many I don’t agree with. In this case, I don’t think it should be legal for any loopholes to exist where any individual can legally have intercourse with someone who is 14 years old. The limits should be much higher; with the only caveat to that being the Romeo and Juliet laws (which allow for exceptions for people who are similarly young in age).

          However, either from a mishap of my words, or some failure to adequately clarify my point, everyone seemed to think I was endorsing, and defending, what is essentially statutory rape. I’ll be clear: any adult who willingly and knowingly has intercourse with someone underaged, should be, at the very least, imprisoned.

          I would be in favour of more severe penalties for such things, but that’s a different discussion.

          The laws are fucked up if you read and understand them. I’m no lawyer, but everything I know about this aspect of the law, is morally questionable at best.

          • Doorbook@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            Anyone who said “sex with x years old” for anyone underage is gross. It is not “sex with children” it is not “sex with teen” it is “Rape” and “Sexual exploitation” using “power” that can be “money”, “force”, or “emotions”.

            You have alot to say about the topic which makes you a pedophile apologists.

            • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              Man, I just tag people who defend pedophilia elsewhere and roast them over it because the Lemmy community deserves to know who the predators are.

              This guy seems like he’s basically been practicing this debate for a while. Big “I know every State’s age-of-consent” energy…

              • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
                2 months ago

                I’m not American, and I don’t know those things.

                I’m not apologizing for anyone. I’m pointing out that the law explicitly allows for this type of exploitation.

                I’m trying to encourage people to get involved in making changes. They don’t happen on their own and pedos continue to thrive based on the laws that are currently in effect.

                Look, we’ll never eliminate this kind of shit unless we change things. By pointing out that the system is kind of fucked, I’m hoping to outrage people enough that they take action. Any country, state, province, municipality, whatever, that will allow for such things, needs to have changes made. I can’t do it all, I’m just one person. If you and others are angered by the laws, that’s completely valid, you have the right to disagree with things. You also have the right to stand up and take action towards closing any loopholes that these assholes might use to their advantage.

                I want you to go and do that.

                Not just bitch at me online about how you think I’m a pedophile apologist. I’m not, but your opinion doesn’t have to agree with the facts.

                I want the loopholes closed, the first step in that process is to make people aware that this shit can be done legally. Your laws permit this depravity. What are you going to do about it?

                • Todd Bonzalez@lemm.ee
                  2 months ago

                  Good lord dude, just stop talking. You clearly have enough English literacy to write several paragraphs of weird pedophile apologia every time, when the reality is you already said “if everyone consents” in reference to a 14 year old girl. You also said you “don’t care” if children are married off to adults against their will.

                  You keep talking about the what’s “legal” and what’s “allowed”, in regards to something most people consider rape. It’s incredibly telling how little the victims of sex abuse actually mean to you.

                  The things you believe are disgusting, and you can’t argue it away. You already told us who you are, and we believe you.