• NathanielThomas@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It amazes me that there isn’t a mass exodus going on in the US

    This may blow your mind but there’s thing called “laws” that prevent Americans from simply moving to another country and living there. You need to immigrate, you need paperwork, you need a job, you need to prove to their country that you’re useful there… you know, all the things Americans do to other countries.

    I mean, yes, would I like to move to Germany tomorrow? Absolutely. Can I? No, it’s not that simple.

    • bitsplease@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Also just packing up and leaving means leaving behind all your family, friends, possessions. Very probably you’ll have to practically start your career over from a much lower stage, learn a whole new language and live as an outsider in a culture you’re unfamiliar with.

      In addition, the people who would most benefit (the very poor with poor paying jobs that don’t have these benefits) are the least able to do so. It’s not just a plane ticket, you need lawyers to help you navigate the process.

      And the reality is that despite what social media makes it seem, America isn’t the unbearable dystopia the internet makes it out to be. Do we have problems? Abso-fucking-lutely, more than most first world countries, but not so much that it’s sensible for most to uproot their whole lives to emigrate.