I’m interested in what kind of people hang around in here since the community is so small and so new.

How do you spend your time in game? Are you a raidlogger with a static, or tend to chat in your FC? Grinding mounts, getting gil, buying a house? Any Eureka/Bozja enjoyers?

When did you start playing? What’s your favorite fight on any difficulty, or other content?

How many hours and characters do you have, are you on the free trial, leveling or looking for help and advice in game, or do you have your mentor crown already?

What region do you play on? What do you think of addons?

What (reddit or other) community did you come from / still use?

  • ophelia@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I joined during the pandemic and was instantly hooked. Started my own guild, organized events, and was the type of player who logged in every day even just to say hi and keep FC members company.

    Now that the pandemic is “over”, the FC is pretty much dead and I only log in once every few weeks just to run a couple roulettes or something, or I’ll hop in if I see a discord group is popping PvP queues or something.

    I deeply miss what I had before, and I realise it’ll probably never happen again. But I’m happy I got to experience it while it lasted, and I made some great friends along the way.

    Edit to answer your questions: I play on Dynamis, and I don’t use Reddit anymore. Over 5000 hours played total.

    Thanks for the downvote random stranger!