This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/MigBird on 2024-08-22 05:26:43+00:00.

The definitions will appear on the results page either way, but this is how you get the good stuff.

Searching by definition will, for example, just tell you that “sweltering heat” means “hot heat”. Searching by etymology will tell you that it means heat so intense that it may cause one to perish.

I’m a word nerd who’s been doing this exclusively for years, and I highly recommend it. Grasp your language firmly. Learn some cool extra subtext. Get an occasional miniature history lesson. Embrace smartypants. Embiggen your words!

(By the way, did you know that “embiggen” was a word for about a century before it was used on The Simpsons? Jebediah Springfield didn’t invent it! But they still get full credit for “cromulent”.)