This teaching is from the section The Planes of Realization of the book “In the Buddha’s Words” by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

At one time, the Blessed One was dwelling in Rajagaha at Vulture Peak Mountain. Then Sutavā, the wanderer, approached the Blessed One; having approached, he exchanged greetings with the Blessed One. After having exchanged pleasant and polite conversation, he sat down to one side. After conversing, he sat down to one side and said to the Blessed One:

"Venerable Sir, one time, while dwelling here in Rājagaha at the mountain cave, I directly heard and learned from the Blessed One: 'He who, Sutavā, is a bhikkhu who is an arahant, whose defilements are destroyed, who has lived the spiritual life, done what was to be done, laid down the burden, reached the ultimate goal, destroyed the fetters of existence, and is released by perfect wisdom, he is incapable of transgressing in five ways —

  1. incapable of intentionally taking the life of a living being,

  2. incapable of taking what is not given,

  3. incapable of engaging in sexual intercourse,

  4. incapable to knowingly speak falsely, and

  5. incapable to use stored up goods as he did before, when he was a householder.

Is it true, Venerable Sir, that this was well heard, well learned, well attended to, and well retained by me?"

"Indeed, Sutavā, this was well heard, well learned, well attended to, and well retained by you. Before and now, I declare: 'A bhikkhu who is an arahant, whose defilements are destroyed, who has lived the spiritual life, done what was to be done, laid down the burden, reached the ultimate goal, destroyed the fetters of existence, and is released by perfect wisdom, is incapable of transgressing in nine ways —

  1. incapable of intentionally take the life of a living being,

  2. incapable of taking what is not given,

  3. incapable of engaging in sexual intercourse,

  4. incapable to knowingly speak falsely,

  5. incapable to use stored-up goods as he did before, when he was a householder,

  6. incapable to act out of impulse (based on desire),

  7. incapable to act out of aversion (based on ill-will),

  8. incapable to act out of delusion (tendency of the mind to not closely examine and verify), and

  9. incapable to act out of fear.’

Before and now, I declare: ‘He who is a bhikkhu who is an arahant, whose defilements are destroyed, who has lived the spiritual life, done what was to be done, laid down the burden, reached the ultimate goal, destroyed the fetters of existence, and is released by perfect wisdom is incapable of transgressing in these nine ways.’"

Related Teachings:

Eight Persons Worth of Gifts (AN 8.59) - The Buddha is sharing in this teaching that it is very beneficial to be associated with individuals that are enlightened or practicing to attain enlightenment. The notes break down the fetters that one is released from at each individual stage of enlightenment.

Entering the Fixed Course of Rightness (SN 25.1) - The Buddha shares in this teaching that an individual who either has confidence in his teachings through having independently verified them or has cultivated a partial degree of wisdom through independent verification (but hasn’t cultivated reflective wisdom yet) will not die without having realized the fruit of stream-entry.

The Buddha and the Arahant (SN 22.58) - The Buddha shares the similarities and differences between him and another liberated by wisdom.