So I’ve switched to lemmy since the reddit meltdown started, experienced quite some withdrawal symptoms, occasionally turned back to reddit, more often logged out than logged in. Now I am merely using Lemmy occasionally and by far not as often as I used reddit before. No more doom scrolling.

So far so good.

Today I went on reddit for the first time in like 3 weeks straight (I couldn’t do that for the last years… yeah, I was very addicted in hindsight). I just… I don’t know what it is.

Reddit just isn’t fun anymore.

I turned away after maybe 5 minutes. There were maybe 2-3 repost-worthy pics, one interesting video and a few small niche discussions that all went straight tits up within a few replies.

If I ask a question on lemmy, it usually is a straightforward, honest discussion. Almost no blaming of the posters or answerers misunderstandings or senseless answers. It goes a bit back and forth usually and people tend to thank each other for corrections. I can’t remember when that happened on a reddit discussion. Maybe years back? Anyway, I’m not going back there anymore, not because I hate the CEO, but because reddit is not fun anymore. Lost all interest in it.

Did anyone of you have a similar experience?

    1 year ago

    I think for the way I personally used Reddit, Lemmy still feels lacking, and I’m excited for it to grow. The good news is it’s getting bigger every day and niche communities are being created all the time, so we’ll get there. But there’s no doubt a treasure trove of question and answer posts on Reddit that I still need to access at times, so it’s still useful to me in that regard, but I’m not actively checking it at all anymore.