Thats it basically im just really really ashamed of my parents being landlords, they both work jobs but simultaneously rent this apartement to a family and its not even that we need the extra money we exctract from this families income, they are paid well but noo they need more and more money and seek out these stupid parasitic neo-feudal sources for absolutely no reason other than to generate more money at the expanse of others. It grinds my brain to know i indirectly profit of it and im just in shame for my parents and they wont understand, they are as liberal and capitalist indoctrinated as can be so its useless to try to refute them especially when they pull the “hooman naturr” card out of their ass’ when trying to converse with them about capitalism.

but im thankful this place exists where i can let these concerns out i dont have any people i can talk to about such things in real life. (alienation especially concerning socialists of any kind does indeed wonders to repress the organization of the masses)

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]
    1 year ago

    This is a great response. Like yeah being a landlord sucks, but if you’re only renting out one house, it’s really nothing that extreme. It’s not like your parents make enough that they could pay that second mortgage long term without being paid rent. We can criticize people for being the corrupt system as people, but I find it hard to criticize people who are just doing the most logical thing with their money. Land is and will always be the best thing to put your money into long term. Gold only has value because it’s shiny, land is extremely finite and inherently valuable.

    This is gonna be controversial here, but it’s even possible to be a good landlord at a small scale. Had a landlord as a kid that had a solid 60 or so houses after doing it since the 70s, but was still his own basic handyman and lawn care person. His business model was to put all his money into real estate and continually reinvest and sell all the houses so he could retire. He didn’t trust any other method to make enough money for him to retire comfortably if him or his wife lost any sort of independence, and honestly he was right. Dude started out as a plumber though. Him and his wife understood that rent was kind of a scam on its own, so they made a really big deal out of just being extremely caring. They sent out an email in 2007 about how times were starting to get tough, so there was officially a 6 month grace period on rent and I know they went long past that for many people because they didn’t evict anybody until they got to 2 and a half years of non-payment. They would personally go out and salt every driveway in the neighborhood if it snowed, including the houses they didn’t own. Mowed the lawns, would be to your house within 30 minutes to do something small like snaking a drain and would actually fix things on a good schedule. They didn’t end up buying any more houses until 2012 because they took care of their tenants during the crash. Like yeah, being a landlord has issues that can’t be eliminated, it is inherently exploitative. However I find it really hard to fault the old couple that just played their cards really right but made it a point to not absolutely fuck people in the process and actually made full time jobs out of it. That old guy and his wife had the option to do things they enjoyed (lawncare, house maintenance, always being greatest neighbors, the ones that cater the funerals or even holding the funerals for people who don’t have families to hold them) and live comfortably by doing so, who wouldn’t? He lives in a fucked up system and did his best to make it work for him and the people around him.

    He ended up selling the houses once the pandemic economy was over and retiring at the age of 80 or so because his wife started suffering from Dementia. They still don’t live in that good of a nursing home. Like they get taken care of, the food and atmosphere is different, it’s not bad, but I expected way nicer for selling 60 houses. It would be one thing if he retired to the fucking moon, but they didn’t because they didn’t have the money for anything better than a fairly modest middle class nursing home. A plumber from 50-60 years ago with the foresight to know that real estate was the only way for him and his wife to have the money to have a little bit of dignity in their final years. Like I said, being a landlord sucks, but he saw something coming on the horizon and did the most logical thing to do to get out of it. There’s only so much we can judge regular people for making the smartest decisions they can for themselves in the world we have.