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EDIT: For those who are too lazy to click the link, this is what it says


Sad news for everyone. YouTube/Google has patched the latest workaround that we had in order to restore the video playback functionality.

Right now we have no other solutions/fixes. You may be able to get Invidious working on residential IP addresses (like at home) but on datacenter IP addresses Invidious won’t work anymore.

If you are interested to install Invidious at home, we remind you that we have a guide for that here:

This is not the death of this project. We will still try to find new solutions, but this might take time, months probably.

I have updated the public instance list in order to reflect on the working public instances: Please don’t abuse them since the number is really low.

Feel free to discuss this politely on Matrix or IRC.

      9 days ago

      They’re a monopoly that relies on users to produce content. You see, in a functional capitalist system, when one supplier deliberately hinders competition through unfair trade practices, they are made to change their methods in order to foster competition.

      When that system is corrupted and fails to act in a timely manner, all bets are off.

      You know where else you can go to find the billions of videos users have uploaded? No. How did it get that way? Just, luck? No.

      Yes, we want regulations on ads in YouTube, and it’s an ignorant and arrogant position to call that “entitled”.

      9 days ago

      Works for Albania.

      Its not like google fucking earned that money anyways. You don’t earn billions of dollars.

      Think about it. If you earned a million dollars a year, you’d be set for life. If you lived for a full hundred years you’d have only made 1/10th of a billion dollars. Despite the fact that its still more money than either of us will probably ever see.

      The people who operate google have billions with an s at the end. Think about the hardest working person you’ve known. Think about how little money they made.

      Now ask yourself, what did the people with billions do to earn that money? How hard did they have to work to justify it, and how is that level of work even humanly possible? How would a bunch of spoiled overgrown trustfund fratboys find it in themselves do that work?

      They fucking don’t. The only people who get that rich do it by cheating, and stealing, and fucking people over. Those fuckers owe us a lot more than video streaming services.

      9 days ago

      You’ll never get upvotes for telling people this reality, but you are of course completely correct.

      If only we saw as much enthusiasm for voting generally as we see for taking ads off YT. Maybe we’d actually get a government that was willing to regulate titans.