I like that RQD2 feels calmer than most or all the other instances I’ve been in. I also appreciate that there aren’t many people here who are more… extreme or express extreme views constantly at least. It gets annoying. RQD2 will also be the main instance I will be hanging around in even if it’s not as active as the more popular instances. I’m also thankful that my registration here was also accepted 😊

  • Lara Croft (Real)@rqd2.net
    14 days ago

    I didnt even know about radqueers before finding this place but I did know about some radqueer identities and thought it was stupid that they received so much hate so I thought it was so awesome that this place was actually accepting of all!!! and well Im the minor in a minor-adult relationship so its also awesome that these kinds of relationships are accepted here, thats what I was looking for at first when I was looking through the fediverse and then through the pediverse but I fell in love with rqd2 A heart colored with AAM flag A heart colored with Stenna NOMAP flag Im also loving it on Matrix :3

    and yeah I also like how its not too active and also not too unactive :3