Resolving this issue in the uneducated worker is going to be important in reaching class-consciousness. This does not only happen amongst the workers or those who are uneducated. People who are right-wing or so-called centrists (including liberals) do adopt this position of “its because we’re under capitalism”, saying “Oh well”, then continuing to live their lives. The worker is disillusioned with not having the freedom to live the lives they want. To have a work that they can feel secure under, that guarantees their healthcare and rights. This can only just lead to a limited number of options. The workers will play the role of labour aristocracy that the bourgeoisie want them to play. This is not mutually exclusive to nihilism. They can be brainwashed into the capitalistic dream of one day being able to be as rich as the millionaires, fully submitting into capitalism. They can adopt nihlism of there not being anything else they can do, in another way, also submitting to the current system. Capitalism is just how the world works, what else can I do?

Education is largely bourgeoisie sponsored which does mean the learners are trained to adopt a black and white thinking, they’ll either not grow up learning an alternative system at all or will learn that the alternative systems that existed are apparently way worse than the current one so there’s nothing else one can do.

All of this is nothing that doesn’t exist in theory, its just that these conversations are useless, they don’t contribute to anything but reinforcement of intentionally or unintentionally succumbing to capitalistic ideology.

The current young and coming generations are so used to seeing short-form video content across social media platforms, seeing manosphere videos and finance tech bros (ofcourse a huge overlap in those two) telling one that they can be like them. Toxic masculinity is something that is constantly hugely influencing how the teenagers at present grow up in. We can’t tell these kids, if we do happen to stumble on them, not to listen to these youtube videos. Influencing someone at this age is a very complex process and using direct wordings won’t work. Plus, what can we do if (and mostly, when) their parents themselves are not that educated, or in cases where the parents themselves are aspiring to be millionaires and not realizing the class-conflict that separates them from their dreams. This is mostly seen in the middle-class because the people in the videos themselves have become the rich. They can only keep their status, ofcourse, by continuing to exploit the lower classes.

Are the victims of these people really changeable? Coming back to the point of where workers go from here, I feel like there is a thin line, from where a worker is still disillusioned by their work and continues to work, being nihilistic, to where they become conscious of their class yet decide they chose to support the rich.

Ofcourse, its only by doing our best to educate class-consciousness onto the former can we continue to move on in our revolution. Domino effect will happen, but we have to actively play a part in it. Socialism being necessary and inevitable means the people play a part in making it that way

Bourgeoisie education is exploitation. Education does not have to be that way.

(This is not a theory related post, just my opinions on things)

    1 year ago

    I think I agree with your sentiment. I don’t give up, even though I think sometimes it is futile. They won in the short term, because they had all the money. But we will win in the end, because we have the ideals. I don’t have a lot of hope for the near future, because of the lack of education in the populace. And that’s just America. The developing world won’t stop til they get a standard of living. Climate change actually gives me hope that it will break the trance of the aristocratic labor and place us on the path. I just try to remind myself that Capitalism will eventually eat itself.

    1 year ago

    To add, I never agreed with the idea that people think they will be millionaires, I’ve never met those people. I think they just feel helpless with the enormity of the system.