Uhhh, sure about that figure? I mean, social media certainly doesn’t rank high but I don’t think a plausible majority would do without the internet entirely, and few would roll back every benefit they receive from it.

  • theachievers@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The poll asked: “I wish I could go back to a time before everyone was ‘plugged in’” And people answered Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree

    Other than noting it was a “Harris Poll” it said nothing about how many respondents there were, how they contacted them or anything else.

    Would the world be better if everyone wasn’t face-down in an illuminated rectagle every moment they could be? Before climate change became so ridiculously notable? Before Trump? Etc? It probably would be nice. It doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be Internet, or anything else, really.

    There was a point where being online meant you’d read a manual and knew a damn thing. That was nice. But hey. We’ve got an open-source federated social media platform now, so. Po-TAY-to, Po-TAH-to.

    Anyway, I think the phrasing of the title is clickbait.