I’ve been concentrating on improving my mastering for the last year or so after producing for a long time, and have just released a 2 track EP today that I wrote, produced, mixed and mastered myself. This is one of the tracks - thanks for listening!


(If there’s any interest in this post at all, I’ll post some Bandcamp codes in a few days when I’ve figured out how to generate them 😊)

  • anthromusicnote@waveform.social
    1 year ago

    I really dig the breaks in Seed. That’s some proper old-school stuff that I think went out of fashion wayyy too quick. I think on the whole mix and master there is nothing I can add other than watching the frequencies on those basses. When your low bass goes up an octave it can get percievably louder due to (psycho)acoustics: higher frequencies sound louder at the same aplitudes. I’d either compress the mids or add a super gentle high shelf to taper off the volume on higher notes. Sometimes I just directly go to the synth directly and keytrack a low-pass or something. That said, the tracks are bangers. I only got headphones, so I can’t attest to the quality of mastering. I think it sounds quite well, the bass is incredibly juicy, which is great for a dance track. It didn’t get boring or too exciting anywhere, something you gotta be careful with in dance music. Thanks for posting it!

    • DASEIN餓鬼@waveform.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Thanks for listening dude, and thanks for the kind words and tips 😊. I know the exact issue you’re talking about with the higher bass notes - I’ve spent ages trying to get them right but I think it’s partly inexperience and partly the room I’m doing this in. There’s a certain range of low mids that are really hard to get right in my studio but three layout of it means I can’t do much with room treatment so I’m trying to learn to compensate for it and use headphones to check bass, but it’s definitely an issue with a few of my tracks that I’m aware of. I’d love to have the money to pay someone to master them properly, but at least I’m enjoying learning, and I’m definitely getting better!

      Thanks again man 😊