Tristan Jameson, the commercial beekeeper who was hauling the bees on a trailer attached to a pickup truck, told the Canadian news outlet Global News that he had swerved to avoid something he had seen moving across the road and then “nearly swerved into the ditch, tried to correct, and dumped all the hives.”


Mr. Barber said that so many bees had escaped from their boxes that “the sky was dark with bees. It was something else.” Other beekeepers were calling him to see if they could help, but he couldn’t hear his phone ringing above the din, he said. “When you’re in that cloud of bees,” he said, “it’s actually quite loud — a million little helicopters flying around you.”


Reflecting on the experience as she finally ate breakfast late Wednesday morning, Ms. Faloney said it was beautiful to have seen so many beekeepers working together to save the bees. “It was just nice to see everybody get there quickly,” she said. “Some drove 10 minutes and some drove an hour. We’re very, very lucky to be in this community.” Said Mr. Barber: “We all swarmed to help — bee pun intended.”