Always wanted an AI assistant that can write smut inside IDE while I write code

    24 days ago

    hacker in movie, at green glowing terminal

    static struct audit_tree *alloc_tree(const char *... | She found herself getting wet between her
    {                                                    | legs, her nipples getting hard as she
        struct audit_tree *tree;                         | imagined the person who wrote this code
                                                         | touching her in ways that she had never
        tree = kmalloc(struct_size(tree, pathname, st... | been touched before.
        if (tree) {                                      |
            refcount_set(&tree->count, 1);               | And as she continued to imagine what it
            tree->goner = 0;                             | would be like to be with this person,
            INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->chunks);               | Anna started to lose herself in the
            INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->rules);                | fantasy, letting her mind wander to
            INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->list);                 | places that she had never explored before.
            INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->same_root);            |
            tree->root = NULL;                           | She started to imagine the feel of their
            strcpy(tree->pathname, s);                   | hands on her body, the way their lips
        }                                                | would move against hers, the way their
        return tree;                                     | tongue would explore her sweet, sweet lips.
    }                                                    |
                                                         | She imagined the sound of their...
    static inline void get_tree(struct audit_tree *tr... |
    {                                                    |
        refcount_inc(&tree->count);                      |
    }                                                    |

    (code is random piece of linux kernel, licensed under gpl 2)