Tertiary paraphilias are non-sexual and non-romantic paraphilias. I personally find it a very interesting topic.

Mine are blood, gore, extracted teeth, mold, bones, corpses, abandoned buildings, and probably some more that I’m forgetting. I can’t really explain why my attraction to those things feel paraphilic, but it does. It’s arousing, but not in a sexual way like my other paraphilias are. I do not posess romantic attraction towards anything.

  • Tal🌸@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    I’m not sure if it counts as a paraphilia, but I guess electricity? There’s something about the idea of current running through my body, bonus points if non-consensually. I don’t care if it hurts and I’m not even a masochist.

  • FRANK@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    Technically my biastophilia is both, which, most people do not understand to begin with! Being a sex-repulsed (ace) biastophile is just very awkward and hard to explain. I’m also sensually into lace, silk, latex, and such, but I don’t know the paraphilic terms for them!!! Also my lipophila is physical but not sexual.

    • A Friendly Stranger@rqd2.netOP
      1 year ago

      Very cool :D

      Latex is Kommiphilia and Hypephilia is a paraphilia for fabrics, which you could use for silk and lace perhaps! I cannot find more specific ones.

      Lace is literally so pretty asadgfkjfaldfkl.

    • A Friendly Stranger@rqd2.netOP
      1 year ago

      Also I hadn’t considered a paraphilia could be both tertiary and sexual/romantic at the same time, but now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense, and there are tertiary aspects to probably all of my paraphilias now that I think about it. Cool!

      • FRANK@rqd2.net
        1 year ago

        Well, when I say ‘is both’ I did mean both non-romantic and non-sexual. I find it frustrating having my biastophilia being assumed as sexual, but nobody seems to understand how my mind has deconstructed it so that the acts of rape and sa are not being desired through the lens of sexuality. My lack of sexual attraction means any ‘visualization’ of this act is blurry, just two black ‘humanoid’ shapes interacting, or maybe more ‘audible’ at times. Although yes, my other paraphilias tend to go hand in hand with me being romance favorable and hypersensual.

        • A Friendly Stranger@rqd2.netOP
          1 year ago

          Oh I’m sorry 😳. I got confused by you saying both, because both non-sexual and non-romantic is what I was talking about initially as well. So that’s why I figured you meant both tertiary and sexual and/or romantic.

          But thank you for clarifying!

  • Crimson Corviknight@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    I’ve always had an affinity for deep water/being underwater. I’m not sure if it’s purely a tertiary thing or if there’s a sexual aspect to it, but I’ve had some kind of hydrophilia for as long as I can remember.

    I think part of it may be that I was hydrophobic to some degree as a young child. Apparently when I was, like, 2, I got out of the car and fell into a river. I don’t remember this happening, though, and I only half remember being told the story a few years after the fact.

    What I do for sure remember was being afraid of deep water but also being strangely drawn to it. I also remember being unusually fond of the water levels in Super Mario 64 (Jolly Roger Bay, Dire Dire Docks, and Wet-Dry World). I also vaguely remember a dream I had when I was in kindergarten (or maybe preschool, I went to the same facility for both but switched to a more mainstream elementary school in 1st grade) where I was at what was basically an indoor pool but way deeper, and there were balconies above the pool that had pool tiling. (It’s a bit tricky to explain.) The balcony had no railing and some of the balconies were connected by ledges against the wall that were so thin I had to carefully sidle along to not fall off. I don’t remember whether I fell off this ledge or if I fell off from one of the balconies, but I remember that I did fall off and into the pool. And at the bottom of the pool, I saw my youngest older brother swimming around, and we just casually greeted each other. IDK, it was a dream.

    Sorry, this kinda got away from me and I ended up rambling a whole bunch, but yeah.

      • Crimson Corviknight@rqd2.net
        1 year ago

        Honestly, I think the hydrophilia was always there, it was just a matter of getting past the phobia. Which was a gradual process that happened over the course of my early adolescence. I think the biggest single step was learning how to swim when I was around 10. Also, the river thing probably didn’t happen, that was just me remembering something weirdly.

  • ZIM vt/it/vx/ve/he@rqd2.netB
    1 year ago

    ve honestly can’t tell if r paras have a tertiary part to them. never thought about it before, ve only sort of thought of them in relation to sexuality. would need to spend time to tell. Ve don’t really feel like ve experience any tertiary attraction in the first place, ve r anattractional except for sexuality, but maybe ve do experience something like that with paras, sense r sexuality is only present in the context of paraphilias, perhaps it’s the same for tertiary things

  • Tregua@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    ME!!! I physically can’t feel sexual arousal for some reason and when I do feel anything akin to it it always hurts or at least is very uncomfortable. SOMETIMES my autozoophilia makes me feel like that but whenever it does I stop whatever I’m doing because I’d rather not be in pain lol. But there’s plenty I can do and think about that falls under tertiary attraction.