The troll is strong with this one.

    2 years ago

    The list

    1. Bad for job security. The code has no bugs so you can’t get paid to fix them.
    2. moves to slow, No null, instead forcing you to use options.
    3. moves to fast. (Now we know for sure this list is a joke)
    4. Too opinionated. Everyone uses the same tool cargo
    5. Not opinionated enough. To many versions of libs
    6. Dangerous to democracy. to easy to use other code. communism
    7. Not inclusive enough. Sex offenders not allowed in rust forums and chats
    8. bad for the economy. Rust runs fine on old hardware so you don’t need to buy new stuff.
    9. Bad for the environment. to long to compile new crates when we could use that cpu power to mine crypto currency.
    10. Bad for security researchers. with c or c++ you can just see errors but with rust you can’t find any.

    I think a legit reason would be,

    My current garbage collected program language works well for my task. I don’t need the speed of rust. And instead want a language that isn’t so verbose that packs so much into a single line of code like rust does.