• RubiksIsocahedron@reddthat.com
    1 year ago

    Clearly you’ve given up hope

    This is correct, but:

    need to reject the idea of other people people being happy, and surrounded by love in order to not feel like you made a mistake in doing so.

    People derive their happiness from torturing “other” people. That’s why they tortured me. That’s why my own parents tied me to a chair and beat me half to death with whatever didn’t leave bruise. That’s why my childhood peers beat me with whatever they could find and call me every name in the book. and that’s why no one ever did anything else. My therapists said the lack of alternate behavior - treatmentother than abuse - was the most damaging part of my trauma.

    Nobody’s trying to kill me

    No shit - you’re in a social group.

    nor are they trying to kill you

    They why was I shot three months ago, by a man who yelled in front of witnesses that he was going to kill me?

    Had anyone gotten a gun and actually came after me with it, I’d be dead. You would be too, if they were serious about their supposed effort to kill you.

    You grossly overestimate the competence of humankind. You also forget that maintaining social acceptance overrides even their desire to kill. They have to justify killing me to their peers before they can do it - otherwise they come off as someone who will kill anyone, a homicidal maniac. They have to build a casus belli before they murder me - that’s where I set them against their peers.

    Their real desire is to dominate - killing is the consolation prize. I refuse to be someone else’s slave, so they’re driven to kill me to prevent the narcissistic collapse - to live with themselves after “failing” to enslave me.

    I’m in a loving marriage, with friends and what’s left of my family

    Bragging, really? You self-centered twat.

    once you have that support network you don’t even care about those kinds of people.

    The problem is that I can’t get that support network because you motherfuckers define your identities by who you bar from those networks. You bastards would rather kill an entire crowd than “fail” by letting me be tolerated by a group. You support your narcissistic egos by dominating other people and lying about them to others, making sure they’re permanently socially isolated.

    You’ve still got a good chance to find your friend group.

    No I don’t - I’m at the end of my life, and have absolutely no use for a friend group now.

    Don’t throw that chance away by just assuming such lives don’t exist - they absolutely do

    Prove it. Drag their bodies before me. I’m sick and tired of liars like you asserting this bullshit without proof, simply because your friends drive you to delusion and protect you from reality.

    • Signtist@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Alright, you’ve got people trying to kill you that’s terrible. You’ve definitely got it worse than I ever did, and you’re justified in thinking everyone’s out to get you. So start fresh. My mom never tried to kill me, but she did try to forcibly denounce my citizenship so I’d be utterly reliant upon her, so I moved across the country and lived for a few years in a closet of a bedroom owned by some lady I found on craigslist.

      It sucked, and I had pretty much no money, but in about 2 years I managed to get back on my feet. I was even able to move back to my hometown, since I didn’t want to let my mom force me to live away from where I wanted to be. I made a new social group, and let some people from the previous group back in once I assessed whether they had my best interests in mind. I’m not saying starting fresh would be easy - it’s certainly the hardest thing I’ve ever done - but it sounds like you’ve got people actively hunting you down, so if they’re as incompetent at murder as you say they are, they should have an even harder time killing you with a thousand miles between you.

      I’m not telling you about my life to brag - I’m actively encouraging you to find those same joys yourself. That’s what it looks like when someone encourages you - they tell you about how good your life can be if you regain hope.

      • RubiksIsocahedron@reddthat.com
        1 year ago

        So start fresh.

        I moved across the country

        Not only is there no way to “start fresh”, MOVING IS WHAT MADE PEOPLE WANT TO KILL ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Their murderous rage started when my parents moved from one place to some place where “I didn’t belong” and they’ve been trying to kill me ever since, because there is no place on this Earth I belong. Even if there was such a place, they’d simply destroy it to deprive me of it and dominate me.

        they should have an even harder time killing you with a thousand miles between you.

        They are experts at chasing me down - they are far more skilled at chasing and tracking than killing. Remember, their priority is DOMINATION - they have an entire stable of people they have enslaved, whether they are actually chained up, or kept in line through extortion. The most important thing in their lives is to keep control of those people - and the second most is to regain control once they lose one.

        I’m actively encouraging you to find those same joys yourself.

        And I refuse to chase down happiness, because that will only make me an addict like my abusers. They abuse because abuse is the only thing that makes them happy, now that they’re strung out on it.

        That’s what it looks like when someone encourages you - they tell you about how good your life can be if you regain hope.

        No, that’s what lying looks like. I will never take anything anyone tells me at face value again.

        • theangryseal@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          You is batshit crazy. I don’t want to dominate you but I definitely pity you. I wish I could travel back in time and just set up traps to trip and pants everyone who was ever unkind to you. I can’t do that though, but I hope you get it all figured out one day.

          You need to allow positive influences into your life. Hell, some decent negative influences might serve you better than the version of reality you’ve made for yourself here.

          And if everyone is so evil and hellbent on dominating you, why do feel the need to interact with them on social media? It’s like you can’t commit to the isolation, which is a good thing because maybe at some point something positive will come your way.

          I don’t know man. I’m not dealing with the madness that you are so I know there’s probably nothing I can say to help you.

          I hope you can manage to help yourself some day though. Your abusers poisoned your brain, and then you’ve continued to apply that poison up to the place you’re in now.

          I hope you get better. I really do.

          Take care fellow human.

          • RubiksIsocahedron@reddthat.com
            1 year ago

            You is batshit crazy.

            Insults. Nice start.

            I don’t want to dominate you


            I definitely pity you

            More bullshit. What makes you think I’m so gullible? What do I have to do to prove to you that I am skeptical beyond your ability to fool?

            You need to allow positive influences into your life.

            I’m not the one stopping them. You are.

            The most important faculty I value in others is the inability to be manipulated by another human being. The entire point of what I do is to weed out people who can be manipulated. I am only interested in people who defy my resistance and treat me well regardless of my initial resistance. If you can’t manage that, then you won’t be able to resist becoming a manipulator’s puppet - which is the only way such an abuser can succeed in killing me. If you cannot resist manipulation, I don’t think you’re worth the oxygen you breathe - you’re just an extension of the person manipulating you.

            And if everyone is so evil and hellbent on dominating you, why do feel the need to interact with them on social media?

            I have to stop them on every front - including debunking the lies they tell others to recruit them to join their “war” against me.

            It’s like you can’t commit to the isolation

            I don’t want to be isolated - you motherfuckers ostracize me to dominate me.

            there’s probably nothing I can say to help you.

            No shit - you have to do things, not say things. Of course you’ll fucking fail if you simply say things. But now it’s too late to do things, too.

            Had you people done things during my childhood to help, you would have succeeded. But you didn’t want to actually succeed - you failed intentionally, because you wanted me broken, but also wanted the credit for trying to help. It’s all disingenuous, performative bullshit.

            you’ve continued to apply that poison up to the place you’re in now.

            Fuck you, narcissist. This is pure DARVO - Deny accuse, reverse victim and offender. Quit your bullshit gaslighting.

            • theangryseal@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Oh so now I’m directly involved in your misery? haha

              Me, who spends all of my time alone playing video games lol.

              Ok bud. You try to have a nice life. Not gonna happen as long as you think you’re the center of the universe and every person on the planet is out to get you.

              You keep fighting your lonely little war and the rest of us are just gonna keep on living.

        • Signtist@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          Sorry, bud. I’ve told you all I can. At this point, your life is in your hands. Not the hands of those who want to hurt you, not the hands of those who want to help you, but can’t because of your rejection of the world. Just yours. I hope you make the right choice in the end. You deserve to be loved - and you will be, if you let it in. Please at least remember that much.

          • RubiksIsocahedron@reddthat.com
            1 year ago

            your life is in your hands.

            As if assholes like you would ever let that be the case. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you failed that badly as to let me regain control.

            your rejection of the world

            *I* didn’t reject the world - you assholes rejected me. And this gaslighting bullshit shows how much of a narcissist you are - it’s pure DARVO - Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender.

            I spent my life bending over backwards, trying to convince you people to stop hating me, and the harder I fought, the harder you resisted. That’s not the behavior of a species who ever had any intention of acknowledged my equality - that is the behavior of a species that defines it identity by who they dominate.

            I hope you make the right choice in the end.

            I have made the right choice - I have chosen to be moral, instead of chasing the happiness dragon and abusing innocent people - which is the choice you all made.

            if you let it in

            How stupid do you think I am?

            There is only one thing to be “let in” - the people who want to enslave me. My entire life is dedicated to crippling them, making sure they enslave no one. And I will not rest until every narcissist is quadriplegic or worse.

    • Franzia@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 year ago

      Like… call the police idfk. This violence and abuse is foreign to me, its not most people’s experiences and you’re in a deeply dangerous situation. You get away from those people, and actually the majority of people are great.