Is it for mail, programming, irc, usenet, website, etc? I’m just curious what other people do when they log into sdfeu.

    1 year ago

    I use a combination of markdown and HTML to write, as it gives me the most flexibility. I like using Jinja with python most because it lets me template pretty much anything, even code itself. Sometimes I’ll use it to make my Obsidian notes pretty for sharing. I’m using minijinja at the moment.

    I didn’t know that Ubuntu made a phone! I’ve had my eyes on the PinePhone Pro for a while. I just can’t justify the cost because WhatsApp 🤮 is the dominant messaging app in my country and the web version stops working sometimes.

    I feel you on git. I do the same for backups and minor changes. Most of my repos are only one branch, which isn’t really good practice. I’ve used the gitflow workflow in the past and found it intuitive. I just couldn’t commit (lol) to the habit. SDF hosts a Gitea instance, except it seems that sign-ups are closed. There might be something in one of the menus on the shell with instructions on how to sign up.

    I would love for SDFEU to be a place for skill sharing. There is so much ancient knowledge, and reading man pages is incredibly time consuming and daunting if you’re a beginner, especially if you have no idea where to start. I (somewhat) recently had a conversation on Mastodon with someone who uses sed to generate their static site and my mind was blown. I never would have thought to do that, and I’ve since used it to clean up some of my own generated code in my Godot projects. Learning from the masters is the best way to learn!