I remember having a conversation about this topic with a couple people, a consang friend and an ex, and call me crazy, but I am far enough along in my libertine philosophy that I truly don’t understand the difference between consang and other kinds of love. To me, love is just love. Whether you feel sexually attracted to someone or not is pure chance, and I don’t think there is any valid reason to assume family wouldn’t be included.

For my part, I haven’t been sexually attracted to any family members yet, bit I have sexual dreams about a few of them occasionally, and I never feel bothered by it. Idk, love is a beautiful thing. 🤷‍♀️

Do ya feel me?

  • OrionZalon@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    To me, love is love as long as it’s mutual and not forced. I have had romantic and sexual interests in my older sisters, and still kinda do. I wouldn’t be the one to disregard your love, but as I said just as long as it’s consensual and everyone is happy. ^^

  • arisu.exe@rqd2.net
    1 year ago

    very much feel you

    i’ve had sexual dreams of family members too, but i wouldn’t say they were erotic in nature

    for instance, i’ve had a couple dreams that i gave my dad head that i didn’t enjoy. i looked the meaning behind the dream up online and sources said it meant that i felt like he had power over me, which was very much true