The Hypocratic oath states that doctors should treat everyone, regardless of race, religion, sexuality, financial status, personal history, etc.

First of all, Western countries already don’t do that. They discriminate by race, religion and sexuality (Catholic hospitals), and especially financial status. So not doing this is already standard practice.

But I personally think a case can be made the communist doctors shouldn’t treat everyone either. If a Nazi comes in, no, he can go fuck himself and no doctor should be treating him. Or in a triage situation, the proletariat should absolutely get priority over the bourgeoisie.

That’s just my hot take and admittedly I do not really know the theory behind this stuff, and I definitely want to learn, hence this post. What do you think? Please correct me if I’m wrong on this.

    2 years ago

    Well a lot of other things come in this as well. The idea is in a big part based on that the doctors are not supposed to be judges over the life and death of people outside of pure medical considerations (like in heated triage for example).

    So even if a nazi in SS uniform in danger to his life come, the decision to save him or not should not lie on the doctor. So he should be saved and then properly judged. Same with a nazi in prison waiting for trial.

    Or nazi in prison post trial - this mean said nazi was judged to be reedemable and is in the process of rehabilitation, so he also shouldn’t be deprived of medical attention.

    For good example, look at Cuba.