It is no longer possible to book train tickets in Germany without providing your verified email or phone number. FYI, all phone numbers are linked to national ID cards in Germany.
Didn’t you need to provide your full name beforehand as well? Oh well even if not it still seems easy to have privacy with this still as you can just use any email you want and skip providing your phone number no? Not defending it or anything. It just doesn’t seem like too big of a deal to me.
No. You could have bought a ticket OTC with no personal information.
Slippery slope.
Are you even from instance?
I’m not from this instance I’m sorry. Just saw the post in my feed. I am an occasional user of Deutsche Bahn however, sadly. I do recommend the practice of using a unique email account for every service though. Just good practice
Okay, welcome to Requiring an email add is one step away from requiring an email add from a trusted provider. I used to use one time addys for my flight bookings and hotel reservations… it is becoming more and more difficult. I simply do not receive verification links if the email domain is not well known or does not require a PID verification.
welcome to
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