Finally some good moderation (mightily appreciated) on what was rapidly turning into Volkischer Beobachter, and look what libs have to say when suddenly discovered they can’t just spew every vile shit imaginable.

Of course it’s r/enoughtankiespam verbatim complete with “why there is so many nazis in our antiauthoritarian space”.

    1 year ago

    I’m almost surprised that the author had the minimum amount of honesty to include those screenshots, because all that they really do is make the moderator look good whereas ‘antitankies’ contribute nothing but contentless crap to innocent people’s threads.

    If wanted to see the same anticommunist factoids regurgitated over and over again, I could easily go to ABC, BBC, Breitbart, CNN, the Daily Mail, Fox News, the Guardian, the Independent, MSNBC, NBC, NYPost, the New York Times, Reddit, Sky News, the Sun, Twitter, the Washington Post, Wikipedia, and so on and so forth. Seriously, we’ve already heard ‘HAY u guys Kim Jong Xinnie the Un is literally genociding 20 million uyghurs rn!!!’ umpteen thousand times. We got it!