probably, in spanish pretty much any conjugation of mongol is used as the slur. anyways there may be a a connection between the slur and their insistence on saying russians are mongols.
“M*ngoloid” is an old eugencist :skull: phrenologist bullshit term from when psuedo-scientists tried to classify “The races”. It was used to disparage people with Downs syndrome by asserting they resembled Asian people.
I think you’re confusing it with the “-oid” version
probably, in spanish pretty much any conjugation of mongol is used as the slur. anyways there may be a a connection between the slur and their insistence on saying russians are mongols.
I don’t think it’s necessarily related to the slur, seems more like the typical “Asiatic hordes” angle
I’ll make sure to be careful in Spanish, though
Its the same in German.
“M*ngoloid” is an old eugencist :skull: phrenologist bullshit term from when psuedo-scientists tried to classify “The races”. It was used to disparage people with Downs syndrome by asserting they resembled Asian people.