• HughJanus@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Have you tried buying just enough lettuce for a single salad? or carrots and maybe some fruit?

    …yes? You can buy as much or as little as you want, they charge by weight.

    but the grocery store isn’t making a single salad, they’re making 20, and they’re not paying the same price for those ingredients they’re selling them to you for. Those ingredients cost them a fraction

    The ingredients are not expensive, the labor is.

    • TheActualDevil@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Where do you live that you can pluck off a couple leaves of romaine and leave the rest? It’s not a butcher where they cut off what you need. You buy a whole head of lettuce. The cost is by weight, but there tends to be a minimum from the size of the food. Do you know how much you get from shredding a single carrot?

      • HughJanus@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        What are you a rabbit? You gonna eat a couple Romaine leaves for lunch? You can’t eat a head of Romaine over the course of 3 meals? 🤔

        • TheActualDevil@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          What are you a rabbit eating a head of romaine in a day? Throw in some veggies and nuts, it doesn’t take a big salad to be filling for me. And I like variety in my meals, not just salad for 3 days. And have you seen the size of a full head of romaine? Not that “hearts of” romaine shit where they pull off the real leafy outsides and definitely costs more. A whole head is huge.

          Listen my guy, it’s okay to just be like “I guess I was wrong. They brought some good points to explain why raw fresh ingredients do cost more than a premade salad, plus he definitely has even more boring ones that he didn’t bring up because it’s unnecessary. I don’t need to latch onto the eating habits he mentioned to turn the conversation away from my incorrect assumption.”

          No one is making this shit up. You’ve had 3 people tell you how they personally have bought both options and found that buying pre-made is cheaper. Your incredulousness doesn’t change that. I’ve worked in produce departments in years past and I understand both the ordering process/prices and the how the labor is actually spent in making those salads. Your inability to comprehend is a you problem.