While a trans and queer friendly instance, they have lax moderation standards and has been known to spam the fediblock tag. They also federate with a number of problematic instances i.e. disqordia, shitposter club that regularly engage in anti-black behavior, and the.asbestos.cafe.

Here is an example of an admin who did once have Marsey The Cat, rdrama’s mascot in their username and bio (not anymore) reposting a post from one of the top admins of shitpost.cloud who is also an rdrama user, another dark fedi instance:

Here is info that fediseer has on shitpost.cloud

I would NOT recommend defederating from brain.worm.pink unless you have very strict rules on hate speech. They may be edgy (they sometimes use slurs as they reclaim slurs like all minority groups), but they are very trans and queer friendly that occassionally interacts with bad faith instances for whatever reason. They do defederate from the worst instances.
