What does the monero.town braintrust think about tweeting the picrel image to @IRSnews on twatter?

  • Saki@monero.town
    1 year ago

    “Use this to evade taxes“ -> an easy way to get a negative campaign (“this is a tool for criminals. we must ban it”). Instead, try to use something better. For example:

    • Support poor Ukrainian children in a safe and anonymous way so that Russia never knows who you are and can not retaliate you later. -> Using “poor children” is a good narrative for normies (“they” are doing the same to irrationally attack e2e…). Use LGBT-something or some kind of oppressed minorities instead, if desired. “Russia = bad, Ukraine = good” is a childish narrative, but normies can totally relate to this overly simplified view.

    • Make donations to help poor people: our Load told us: “Do it in such a way that even your left hand will not know what your right hand is doing. Never do it in public in such a way that others will know what you do. Donations must be secret and anonymous so that our Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you.” -> This narration may work well for religious people. Self-claimed Christians typically don’t know the exact lines of NT, so tweak them a little, like Jesus is talking about xmr lol

    • Don’t waste our resources; be ecological, be wise, be a life hacker! Why do we need to pay high fees to middle-men like ko-fi or paypal? Today we have better technology, p2p-based, blah blah -> When using this narrative, be careful as some people think mining is not green. If questioned, point out that huge credit companies waste much more electricity and that Monero, unlike Bitcoin etc., uses a “more ecological-friendly method” (?) called CPU-mining.

    If and when you really attempt good PRs, don’t use Monero-chan pics in an overly sexy way. 50% of normies are girls & such pics won’t be accepted too well…

    • simping4xmrchan@monero.townOP
      1 year ago

      based points. My poast was actually intended to be a mixture of seriousness, shitposting and brainstrorming. I will go back to posting useful posts thanks.