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The original was posted on /r/ukpersonalfinance by /u/tiredofmakingshelves on 2023-10-04 09:10:10.

I’ve recently saved a fortune based on advice here.

One part (the bigger of two) of my mortgage term ended a few days ago. I was going to put off remortgaging since “rates were coming down” and was being lazy, but all the mentions of securing rates in advance made me look around.

In April I half-heartedly used L&C to secure a rate of 3.93% on a 539k 5 year remortgage - thinking this would be a tolerable backup option, but wasn’t happy or expecting to be paying the ~£400 extra a month.

The remortgage completed the other day, and looking around the best I could have got now is 4.92%, which would have been £400 a month more than the rate I secured, and £800 a month more than my old payment.

Thanks for all the advice here - this is a huge saving for me that wasn’t much effort to sort out. I’ll definitely never consider leaving remortgaging to the last minute ever again!