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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/osayami on 2023-07-13 09:23:13.

Support for online games that use kernel level anti cheat (like valorant) often comes as the argument against gaming on Linux but news like this are a perfect illustration that the method of “monitoring and preventing cheaters through having low level access to their system” employed by those anticheats only emboldens them to go deeper to circumvent anticheat. Various opensource tools were developed and are readily available on github and used by cheaters. Those tools gives the cheating software similar access to that of anticheatt leading them also to be used by nefarious chinese hackers.

Now some may ask “I don’t use cheats neither do I install suspicious software so why should I care?!”. Playing games with such invasive anticheats endangers your system to any bugs or issue with those ACs plus they themselves can be an targeted by hackers. No software or game is worthy enough to leave your system compromised.