• lazyraccoon@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Regrettably, I agree with your argument.

    Israel’s extreme and not-so-extreme right have been pushing settlement across the west bank and provoking, harming and terrorizing both the Israeli left/center and the IDF sent to guard them for years. They also murdered the Prime Minister that actually tried to consolidate the two states solution - Itzhak Rabin.

    The blame of violence right now is very much a result of the right-winged government that is trying to turn Israel into a plutocratic republic at best, a theocratic nightmare a-la Iran at worst.

    I sincerely hope that cool heads in the military will prevail, but with 1900 wounded, 300 civilians murdered and over a hundred kidnapped, Israel is currently reeling and it might end up with Gaza under martial law, and thousands dead and wounded on all sides.

    It isn’t the same as Russia and the Ukraine though, and as explained above with Itzhak Rabin being assassinated, it isn’t that simple a proclamation regarding the 2 state solution.

    It is the preferred outcome, and hopefully whatever horrors are inbound, it will lead there.