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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/babyjac90 on 2023-10-07 22:12:40.

In every Google search I find it’s always been that cotton is the “best” fabric for your nether regions. I am a bit worried that my whole life I have had the opposite effect. I get a reaction from wearing cotton underwear. Not only does it feel uncomfortable, it also makes my region feel unseasonably warm. Everything claims that cotton is “breathable” but I feel like I sweat more with cotton underwear and it dries a lot slower. It tends to stain faster too with very little luck when laundering. Now, I always hear that Nylon, Polyester and “activewear” fabrics are a no go which I really hope isn’t entirely true because they have been the best for me so far. I don’t ever wash my underwear with fabric softener nor do I wear tight pants often. All synthetic underwear I get has “moisture wicking” written on its packaging and as far as I know, everytime I workout and sweat wearing them, it doesn’t feel uncomfortable or doesn’t smell and seems to dry faster. Unless I just don’t notice. But I tend to be very sensitive with my smell to the point where I always do a double take on myself to make sure I’m not smelling anything and I rarely do. In fact when I wore more cotton in my highschool years, I’ve had reaction and smell problems quite a but then. But everything I read online claim the opposite of this and I’m just a bit conflicted…