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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Practical-Carpet-255 on 2023-10-08 01:49:44.

I can’t exactly figure out why but it feels off.

When a dad cannot shut up about his young daughters body? Monitoring her weight, being sensitive to slight changes in size (all explained by the onset of puberty naturally changing her body shape). Withholding food, secretly putting the kid on a diet (in the form of just not making food very available). Stressing out and talking about how the kid used to be thinner and is now getting “chubby” (she is extremely thin and small). All kind of framed as like “what if kids at school make fun of her for being fat?” which I doubt the sincerity of since she is by far the lightest in her class.

10 year old girl. Is this a boundary breaking grooming thing? It just feels kinda creepy.

Sorry for bad formatting, stream of consciousness.