Hey, sorry for the meta post! Please please delete this post if this doesn’t fit here.

I love this sub but there’s been a few movies where I love the cover and the movie isn’t very popular (these day?) but I don’t post it because it’s a once popular film.

Some examples are like

They Live (carpenter)

Mars Attacks

In the Mouth of Madness

I love all of those but fear they’re too well known or had too big of a budget to be B movies.

Like I love the activity on this sub but don’t want to accidentally co opt it into just being movies I love haha

  • SoupyHappenstance@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It comes from how movies used to be shown in theaters. The double feature was much more common and between movies there would be cartoons, short films, and news reels. So one ticket would get you a theater experience all day pretty much. Pairing movies usually meant one higher profile picture and one with a smaller budget. The second smaller film is the B movie. Smaller budgets meant more genre pictures with lesser known actors. So you get cheap sci-fi and monster movies mostly but the term B movie just refers to its lesser standing. It’s like the opposite of Oscar bait.