• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Or because it’s stupid political theater giving Trump’s base an out when he inevitably says some dumb bullshit during the debate and loses. He obviously never expected that ridiculous request to be granted. The act of playing along is an act of weakness, so it’s never going to happen.

    Also they’re both going to be on drugs. All presidents are given various drugs. Some to keep them alive, some to help them concentrate. It’s no big deal, it’s a demanding job.

    Edit: forgot Obama actually did show his birth cert. Shouldn’t have played along though

  • ALoafOfBread@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlAlso "parasite".
    11 days ago

    I think it isn’t going to be that effective a phrase. People don’t understand why having lots of money (hoarding wealth) is a bad thing, necessarily, and it sort of implies that, if they were to just spend it it’d make the initial hoarding fine.

    Gotta also focus on the fact that they essentially stole that money from workers through labor exploitation. The bare fact that they got the money to begin with is the problem, not just them holding onto it. If they were to spend it all on horrible capitalist enterprises rather than hoarding it, that’d be even worse. Even if they spent it all on “philanthropic” efforts, that’s still worse than the workers having their fair share and the government being able to actually have that money to spend on social programs through taxes.

  • I think that defining the heritage of a group of people in political terms is always a fascistic idea. Commonly, we don’t really do that.

    To use a classic “muh Western huritage” example, when someone talks about ancient Greek heritage, they mean cultural heritage - food, music, art, theater, sport, architecture, religion, philosophy - and cultural values like democracy, patriarchy, social hierarchy including class-based slave ownership, etc. A specific ruling group, governing document, or even a specific war doesn’t really belong in that category - those are a part of the history of that group, but not core to their identity as a group.

    “Southern” US cultural heritage is made up of music (jazz, rock, blues, country, just to name a few), regional cuisines like BBQ & Cajun, maybe some historical ways of life that had a lasting impact - like cowboys & ranching culture, landed gentry like plantation owners, chattel slavery & black sharecropping, white sharecropping, Mexican settlers, etc., protestant christianity (specifically Baptist christianity) and cultural values like racial hierarchy and apartheid and its lasting impacts, an old-world sense of chivalry, and rugged individualism - stuff like that.

    What doesn’t really make sense is to say that the Confederacy itself is a core component of the culture. Not just because it only lasted for 5 years and non-white Southerners weren’t willing participants, but also because the ideas/beliefs that shaped the Confederacy were a part of the culture of the most powerful group at the time. In other words, it was part of the culture of the South that allowed and enabled the Confederacy to exist, not the Confederacy that created the culture.

  • There aren’t comics afaik and, thankfully, the Jodorowsky monstrosity didn’t get made.

    I mean, sure, but it’s half of a story. So much of the criticism I saw totally left out that it was part 1 of 2. I ask because it’d be like watching The Fellowship of the Ring and being upset that it was just a story about some midgets going on a hike - it’s a take you could only have if you weren’t at all familiar with the source material or even generally what it’s about. It’s not an invalid take, necessarily, but it is one that ignores that it’s only one part of a larger story. Dune Pt 1 was also a slower burn, and it’s totally valid to dislike that sort of movie.

    I hope you watch the second one and can appreciate the first one as part of that context. Dune (the book, not just the movies) is very good for a lot of reasons and was incredibly influential on sci-fi as a whole. It’s obviously fine not to like it, of course, but as a lifelong fan, I just want everyone to give it a chance.

    Edit: there are comics actually. Huh.

  • That is a fair point. My only counterargument would be that due to the way cities are set up, a large portion of those emissions come from commuting. The reason people commute is they have to earn money to pay bills so they can feed their kids and keep a roof over their heads.

    So, asking people to drive less could mean asking them to give up their employment, which could be much more than “giving up the comforts of their lives” like the OP suggested - again, it could really put their livelihoods in jeopardy. And, without an organized cause, clear goal, a call to action, and clear communication about why their specific sacrifices are necessary, people will not take such huge risks.

  • If we understand “Leftism” to be about a relationship to the means of production - namely one in which the workers/plroletarian class owns the means of production - then the USSR certainly was socialist/leftist to a significant degree.

    Since leftism is about that relationship to the means of production, that also means that a government can be both Leftist and Authoritarian. We can discuss to what degree an ideal leftist government should be “authoritarian”, but that is less a conversation about the economic aspects of leftist political ideology and more about the political philosophy around personal freedoms, freedom of speech, etc. - none of which are completely cut & dry.

    One could easily argue that some degree of “authoritarianism” is necessary to protect greater freedoms at the expense of lesser ones - that could be a coherent pro personal freedom and pro authoritarian argument. One could also argue that the anarchist conception of personal freedom is doomed to fail without an “authoritarian” power hierarchy to protect those freedoms. All I’m saying is the question of to what degree the power of the state should be limited is by no means answered.

  • The problem is: what does it mean to do that? Right now, we don’t have an organized revolution or movement. There needs to be a specific call to action. If you want people to “give up the comforts” of their lives, they need to know what doing that will accomplish, what the specific goal of the movement is, and how “giving up the comforts” will help to achieve it.

    What you might actually be asking is for people to risk their jobs by going on general strike, their homes by not paying rent, etc. This is really more than “the comforts of their lives”, it is their ability to survive and feed their families.

    The other problem is, any cause that only requires people to “give up the comforts of their lives” likely won’t be highly impactful. For instance, general strike and protest might help the climate crisis, but giving up plastic straws and driving less or whatever really won’t make much of a dent compared to the massive impacts of global capitalism.