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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • That’s because of circumstances beyond the average voters control where the majority of people inevitably votes between 2 parties and a vote for independent gets essentially “counted” but “thrown away” because the pool is less than the other 2 main parties.

    In our current voting system “first past the post”, It inevitably leads to a 2 party system regardless of if other parties exist.

    This video is one of my favorites that explain this problem. https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo?si=ri9DbpvXxjyRonN3

    The only way I see that we can maybe break past this is to band together and convince more than half of one of the major parties to vote independent. It’s possible perhaps, but highly unlikely. ( the video kinda covers this as well. )

    Or maybe convince the voter base to change voting systems. I personally like the sound of “ranked choice” voting. Granted it doesn’t fix everything but it would be alot better than what we have now. And it might give independents a higher chance of possibly winning.

  • I’ve (MtF) been doing pretty good lately. I recently came out to work and I’m about to get a new badge soon. I’m basically full time fem now.

    The only ones I haven’t come out to yet are like outside family members such as my aunts and grandma and cousins. I currently have a supportive cousin but we barely talk due to life and stuff. And I’m pretty sure my aunts are gonna flip out so that’ll be bad. Grandma might be supportive. And I have at least one other cousin in the LGBTQ community. My parents are not supportive but my Dad still at least wants to talk to me and stuff so that’s nice I guess. So I guess its a bit of a mix in that regard…

    In addition, HRT is doing its thing and I like the progress I’ve been making. Although atm, idk if its the progesterone… but at night i get really dizzy and tired sometimes… Thankfully I’m usually at home by the time I take my meds so, I just lay down and fall asleep. And I’m usually better in the morning.

    This Wednesday I’ll be going to a hair salon to get my hair trimmed a bit, but not too much. I’m trying to grow it out. And then later I plan on making another appointment to get my hair dyed. Probably gonna do red highlights of some kind (I currently have Brown hair).

    And then I’m also going to Otakon on Aug 2nd so that’ll be fun!

    So yee! Overall pretty good ;-) <3

  • I beat Dot Hack Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine in order back when they were first releasing on the PS2 in the US. And importing my memory card save every time.

    My friend witnessed me defeat the final boss in Quarantine. It was such a long and crazy fight. And the whole thing was just mindblowing.

    Sadly I don’t have any pictures or videos of it. And I traded in my PS2 a long time ago.

    I have been considering revisiting the game but it’s a big game with ALOT of content. I don’t know when I’ll get around to it.

    Good times and Good memories.

  • My desktop is for home and gaming use. However I also have a gaming laptop which I bought for whenever I travel. That said, I don’t travel much… shrug

    I actually ended up using my gaming laptop as a way of playing VR games in my room so that I have more privacy. Although I’ll still unplug and take it with me whenever I travel.

    I also just recently got a Samsung Galaxy S24+ and a touchscreen display to use DeX mode as a tablet of sorts. Mostly for note taking when I don’t want to take my heavy gaming laptop.

    I’m all over the place lol. I also work in the tech field. Computer Programmer. So yeah… lol.

  • A nutrition tracker where you can enter what foods you eat into a small database. And then when you eat meals you can check those foods off in order to calculate all of the nutrition facts consumption per day. And it could be expanded even further by adding graphs and reports such as Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

    Could track Calories, Vitamins, Minerals, and other specific nutrition stats. Most nutrition apps I’ve seen only track Calories… Or don’t have accurate nutrition applied to specific foods as it is generic. Letting the user add the food as a item in a small database would give the user more control of how the stats and reports are calculated.

    Could be helpful for some to see their intake and then figure out ways to change it to become healthier.

  • Google “Odysee”.

    It’s currently my preferred YouTube alternative. Granted it obviously doesn’t have as much content as YouTube. But several well known content creators post to both YouTube and Odysee now.

    Some of the ones I follow include: Louis Rossman, Anton Petrov, SomeOrdinaryGamers, and Zach Star Himself. Just to name a few.

    And there’s also a browser extension called “Watch on Odysee” which adds a button to the YouTube video if the video is also found on Odysee so you can “watch on Odysee” instead of YouTube. Which can help you locate your favorite youtubers on the platform and let you follow them.

    And there is also an Odysee mobile app if you like watching videos on mobile.

    This is just one example, but I hope it helps ;-)

  • I appreciate it. This is very helpful thank you :-)

    I do feel that HRT has helped me in alot of ways.

    One of the biggest benefits for me, possibly as a result of being true to myself, is that I have more confidence in myself and I’m more open about things. And that has lead me to making way more friends than I’ve ever had.

    I used to be more reserved mostly because I was afraid of what others think. And while I’m still afraid of what others might think I also don’t care anymore and just want to exist as the best me I can be. :-)

    I haven’t been able to tell my parents about that tho cause of the friction between us.

    What I just wrote may in fact be part of the letter I should write to them.

    Thanks for the help :-)